- off center plan display 偏中心平面位置显示器
- Off center plan position indicator 偏心平面指示器
- Mary hung the picture off center because it was more interesting that way. 玛丽把图片歪着挂起来,因为这样更有趣。
- expanded center plan display 中心扩展的平面显示器
- off center plan 偏心平面
- You may hang the picture off center so that it will look more interesting. 你可以把画挂偏一点,这样会更有情趣。
- The painting in the museum was off center. 那幅博物馆的油画挂偏了一点。
- Although London is Britain's Capital it is located off center. 虽然伦敦是英国的首都,但它并不位于中部。
- Fastened on the crankshaft is an eccentric (off center) disk. 固定在曲轴上面的是一只偏心盘。
- He hung the picture off center,because it was more interesting that way. 他故意把画不挂在正中,因为那样更有意思。
- He hung the picture off center, because it was more interesting that way. 他故意把画不挂在正中,因为那样更有意思。
- The application indicated that this tool can retard the off center wear of tubing and extends the pump ... 现场应用情况表明,该工具的应用可有效地减缓油管的偏磨,延长检泵周期。
- With a wind of 110 miles per hour, movement off center is never greater than one quarter inch, thus measurable movement is only one half inch, one quarter inch on either side. 在风速为110英里每小时的情况下,建筑偏离中心的振动幅度不会超过四分之一英寸,也就是说,可测量的运动仅仅是半英寸,每一边只有四分之一英寸。
- Sitting in a leather chair, framed slightly off center from his chest up, Obama delivered a three-minute talk on the economic crisis, vlog style. 奥巴马坐在皮革椅子上,胸部稍微偏离桌面中心,以沃客的风格对经济危机发表了3分钟的讲话。
- For parallel queries, which involve multiple CPUs, the Properties for each node in the graphical execution plan displays information about the operating system threads used. 对于涉及多个CPU的并行查询,图形执行计划中每个节点的“属性”将显示所用操作系统线程的相关信息。
- At a time when most designers are in clear pursuit of elegance and refinement,Carolyne Roehm's collection is slightly off center. 当大多数时装设计家显然在寻求典雅与精美的时候,罗姆的一系列的款式则略嫌差失。
- It should carry on the project with total plans, center plans, slightly plans by making Gantt chart, Network chart or WBS-PBS matrix table. 项目计划的制定是项目实施的第一步,业主方的项目计划应包括项目的全过程,可通过甘特图、网络图或WBS-PBS矩阵表来制定项目总计划、中计划、小计划,以此计划对项目进行控制。
- With a wind of 110 miles per hour,movement off center is never greater than one quarter inch,thus measurable movement is only one half inch,one quarter inch on either side. 在风速为110英里每小时的情况下,建筑偏离中心的振动幅度不会超过四分之一英寸,也就是说,可测量的运动仅仅是半英寸,每一边只有四分之一英寸。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- Wukesong Cultural Sports Center Planning Award for outstanding design in the population programme "Flowers Award" was first ballot. 五棵松文化体育中心规划设计优秀奖方案在此次百姓“百花奖”投票中获得第一名。