- Gao Ruiqi and Cai Xiyuan. 1997. Oil and Gas Field Formation and Distribution in Songliao Basin. Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press. 高瑞琪;蔡希源1997.;松辽盆地油气田形成条件与分布规律。北京:石油工业出版社。
- Signification and Effect of Palaeostractural Evolution of Gas Field Formation in E'erduosi Basin 鄂尔多斯盆地古构造演化在气田形成中的作用及意义
- When wine is fermented, it gives off gas. 酒发酵时发出气泡。
- The target strata in Yulin gas field lie in the bottom of Shanxi Formation of Permian, Upper Palaeozoic. 摘要榆林气田目的层系位于上古生界二叠系山西组底部。
- The source program is written in a free field format. 原程序是按自由区段格式写书的。
- It is imported from the Yacheng 13-1 gas field off Hainan Island in Southern China via a 780 kilometre high-pressure submarine pipeline. 天然气透过一条长780公里的海底高压管道,直接由海南岛附近的崖城13-1气田输入。
- The formation of natural gas hydrate and methanol recovery process in Changqing Gas Field are described. 根据中国石油天然气股份有限公司长庆油田分公司长庆气田地面建设特点,介绍了该气田预防天然气水合物生成的方法及甲醇回收再生工艺技术。
- The Permian Shanxi Formation in Yulin Gas Field is a typical low porosity and low permeability lithologic reservoir. 榆林气田二叠系山西组气藏属于典型的低孔、低渗、岩性气藏。
- It is imported from the Yacheng 13-1 gas field off Hainan Island in Southern China via a 780-kilometre high-pressure submarine pipeline. 天然气透过一条长780公里的海底高压管道,直接由海南岛附近的崖城13-1气田输入。
- The gas reservoirs in the Lower Shihezi Formation of Sulige gas field are typical lithological reservoirs. 苏里格气田下石盒子组气藏为典型的岩性气藏,其分布主要受岩性控制,具有较强的隐蔽性。
- Chinese companies have started developing the Chunxiao gas field, which straddles the median line, leading Japanese officials to claim that China is siphoning off Japanese gas. 中国公司已开始开发骑跨在中间线上的春晓天然气田,导致日本官员声称,中国在蚕食日本的天然气资源。
- The second and third members of Neogene Yangyi formation in Baoshan Basin are the main gas-bearing sections in Baoshan gas field. 摘要保山盆地新近系羊邑组二段、三段为保山气田主要的含气层段。
- Qinghai eastern gas field belongs to Quaternary gas reservoirs with poor diagenetic grade.Main formation cementation is muddy cementation. 青海东部气田属第四系气藏,成岩性差,岩层间以泥质胶结为主。
- The Russian insinuation is that Ukraine will siphon off gas meant for Western Europe. 俄罗斯暗示乌克兰将吸走给西欧的天然气。
- Twenty oil and gas fields are under development. 已有20个油气田投入开发,形成了海洋石油天然气产业。
- Summarily cutting off gas supplies through Ukraine is a similar, politically motivated tactic, she argues. 突然切断乌克兰天然气供应与之类似,这是带有政治动机的一项策略,她认为。
- Energy-poor Japan fears China could siphon off gas from what it sees as its territory. 日本能源贫乏,担心中国开采其单方面主张的领土内的天然气。
- The main reservoir in the lower Shanxi Formation (Lower Permian) is composed of quartz sandstones in Changbei Block of the Yulin Gas Field in the east Ordos Basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地东部榆林气田长北区块主力储集层是下二叠统山西组下段的石英砂岩,将用水平井开发。
- Abundant gas resources are accumalated in the shallow strata above 1500m depth of Subei Basin. Zhouzhuang and Xiqiao gas field have been found in Yancheng Formation of Neogene. 苏北盆地深度小于1500m的浅层天然气资源丰富,已在新近系盐城组发现周庄气田和溪桥气田,在古近系阜宁组发现刘庄气田。