- An off line data analysis program of multiparameter experiments in nuclear physics is developed in Fortran Power Station environment. 公正的离线电子现金系统方是电子支付系统研究方向的热点之一。
- The terminal is off line while repairs are being made to the central computer. 在中央计算机修理期间,这台终端不能使用。
- off line data processing 脱机数据处理
- I am getting off line, talk to you later. 我要下线了,以后再聊。
- Already on it, sir. Synchro Cannon off line. 已经好了,长官。同步炮关闭。
- Help on create new SAP off line report and test it. 调整错误的订单信息,库存报告,以及转库问题等。
- The model is suitable for GIS visualization data handling and analyzing. 该模型适于GIS的可视化操作与分析。
- Data from wire chamber interface Via a CAMAC system were sent into a computer for on line or off line analysis. 数据由丝室接口经CAMAC系统送给计算机作在线处理或离线分析。
- To change the status of a device from online to offline. When a device is off line, no data set may be opened on that device. 将设备的联机状态改为脱机状态。当设备脱机时,在此设备上不能打开任何数据集。
- So you can search and go through this site off line. 所以你可以在离线状态下浏览整个站点。
- Mifflin County Rail Line Data - Map of railways both in use and not in use. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Unable to connect to specified machine or machine is off line. 无法连接到指定的机器或机器已脱机。
- In the software design, a particular method of counting ESF is provided and other related data handling methods are also introduced. 软件设计方面,提出了一种独特的计算边缘扩展函数的方法,以及各种数据处理的方法。
- To change the status of a device from online to offline. When a device is off line,no data set may be opened on that device. 将设备的联机状态改为脱机状态。当设备脱机时,在此设备上不能打开任何数据集。
- The most common type of data handling error is in the unencrypted HTTP transmission of sensitive data that should be transmitted via HTTPS. 最常见的数据处理错误就是将本来应该通过HTTPS传送的数据在未加密的HTTP上传输。
- Using the dipole concept, a new consistency criterion is given and a group method of data handling (GMDH) cluster analysis approach is presented. 利用偶极子给出了新的一致性准则,提出了数据分组处理(GMDH)聚类分析方法。
- After the system operates, the fuzzy model and the parameters of the PPID are tuned off line again by using the input/output data from the plant. 首先基于初始模糊模型对PPID离线进行整定 ;然后在系统运行后利用对象的输入输出数据对模糊模型和PPID的参数再次进行离线整定 .
- The data handling, storage, processing power and communication capabilities of some modern PLCs are approximately equivalent to desktop computers. 数据处理,储存,加工能力和通信能力,一些现代的PLC是约相当于台式电脑。
- The racquet is facing the target for only a millisecond and then goes off line. 网拍只有毫秒面对目标,然后就离线了。
- A high precise regression model of rubber formulation was built with the uniform design and GMDH (group method of data handling) method. 通过均匀设计安排橡胶配方试验,进而用数据处理组合方法(GMDH)建立高精度的回归模型。