- The terminal is off line while repairs are being made to the central computer. 在中央计算机修理期间,这台终端不能使用。
- I am getting off line, talk to you later. 我要下线了,以后再聊。
- Already on it, sir. Synchro Cannon off line. 已经好了,长官。同步炮关闭。
- Help on create new SAP off line report and test it. 调整错误的订单信息,库存报告,以及转库问题等。
- So you can search and go through this site off line. 所以你可以在离线状态下浏览整个站点。
- Unable to connect to specified machine or machine is off line. 无法连接到指定的机器或机器已脱机。
- The racquet is facing the target for only a millisecond and then goes off line. 网拍只有毫秒面对目标,然后就离线了。
- Off line programming can greatly enhance efficiency and facilitate the users. 通过离线编程能极大地提高激光加工效率 ,方便用户的使用。
- The gas cleaning plant with dust separation and washing system is very extensive, so the waste gas is complying with the very strong German emission limitation according to BImSchV 17. 带除尘和清洗系统的废气净化厂非常宽阔,因此废气排放符合要求非常严格的德国BImSchV 17排放标准。
- It can automatically trim resistor, cut off line and mark sign in one time. 具有调阻精度高、扫描速度快、性能可靠等优点,可以长时间连续进行工作。
- So far, it is proposed to prevent air pollution and protect environment in the worldwide range. This paper introduces the development and application of FRP FRP Dust Separation and Desulfation. 目前全世界掀起治理大气污染、创建环保城市、造福子孙后代新浪潮,本文介绍了玻璃钢除尘脱硫装置的研制及其应用。
- Data from wire chamber interface Via a CAMAC system were sent into a computer for on line or off line analysis. 数据由丝室接口经CAMAC系统送给计算机作在线处理或离线分析。
- The car raised quite a dust as we drove off. 我们走时车子扬起了一阵尘土。
- The equipment consists of dryer, spray projector, high-speed centrifugal pulverizer, mini-classifier, dust separator, tailgas treating system and automatic packer. 该装置由干燥机、喷雾混合机、速离心粉碎机、细分级机、尘设备、整理混合装置、气处理系统、动包装机等组成。
- SPassat 1.8 Went off line and Car Plant III was completed for production. August, November. 上海大众帕萨特轿车1.;8下线。上海大众汽车有限公司汽车三厂全面建成投产。
- Impinging Stream Dust Separation 对喷流除尘
- They didn't discuss the whole point of our company's financial problem in the agm, so we must talk off line. 他们在年度股东大会上未讨论本公司财务问题的症结所在,所以我们必须继续讨论。
- Bag dust separator depends on knit of strain cloth as filter material to come achieve purpose which separating containing powder from the dust . 袋式除尘器是依靠编织的毡织滤布作为过滤材料来达到分离含尘气体中粉类的目的。
- Taxi fares are chargeable to the passengers by off line credit card payment. Receipts are available upon request. 乘客须以离线方式以信用咭缴付的士费,并可要求司机发出收据。
- The geometric structure and its influences on the fuctions of Cardiff cyclone dust separator are analyzed in this paper. 分析了Cardif型旋风除尘器的结构以及其结构对性能的影响。