- We've been let off school today because our teacher is ill. 今天学校放假,因为我们的老师病了。
- She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up. 她一个月没上学了,有许多课业要补上。
- John and I used to bunk off school. 火车卧铺,学校里的上下铺呵呵。
- Sue has stayed off school for almost a week because of illness. 由于久病苏已近1周没上学了。
- Five of the pupils in this class have stopped off school today. 今天这个班有5名学生没来上课。
- You can login to your account now or when you enter the Study Center. 登录--现在你便可以登录你的帐户,或者等到进入“学习中心”时再登录。
- I shall keep Mary off school until her stomach trouble is better. 在玛丽的胃病好转以前,我将叫她不去上学。
- There are many reasons why teenagers skive off school. 青少年逃课有很多原因。
- I decided to skive off school and tell my mum I had a bad headache. 我决定不去上学,告诉妈妈我的头很疼。
- To sprain constantly is the Chinese medicine traumatology department study center the wound muscle scope. 扭伤属中医伤科学中的伤筋范围。本病起病虽急,有的症状也重,然皆因气机郁遏,并无器质性病变。
- Laura has been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up. 劳拉有一个月没上学,所以她得花很大的气力才能把功课赶上去。
- After long time from school study everytime, I can feel I become stupid because I drop behind them. 每次很长时间不上学以后,我觉得自己笨了许多,因为比别人又落后了一些。
- You have to clear it with the principal if you want a day off school. 如果想请一天假,必须要校长批准。
- Funding also came from BYU’s Family Studies Center. 这次研究的资金同样也有部分来在于杨百翰家庭研究中心。
- I miss my school study time and classmate every much even the puisne bloom which gone for ever. 这是一个特别的感觉,并可能不知道如何表达。
- She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leewayto make up. 她一个月没上学了,有许多课业要补上。
- I when the Nobel prize winner Yang Zhenning's alma mater Hefei first middle school study has been first three. 我在培养了诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁的母校合肥一中读书时一直名列前三。
- The model cognition study center "may distinguish the nature"the theory, has discussed the writings in classical style teaching keypoint and the teaching rule. 借鉴认知学中的“可辨性”理论,探讨了文言文教学的关键点与教学规律。
- Laura has been off school for a month,so she has a lot of leeway to make up. 劳拉有一个月没上学,所以她得花很大的气力才能把功课赶上去。
- The Party school studies the course-completion certificate. 党校学习结业证书。