- Street and off street parking study 街上及街外停车调查
- Park only in a designated parking space. 只能在指定的停车地区内停车。
- The park only afford to employee. 这个停车场只供员工使用。
- The second and third floor are for car parking only. 第二与第三层为停车场。
- Lamppost in Main Street Park in Mulvane, Kansas, decorated for Christmas. 圣诞节在中装饰光图片 Christmas Decorated Lights in.
- "It has the feel of a contemporary village, with the diagonal street parking, lampposts and benches," she says. 她又说道:“它就像一座现代村庄,有着呈斜线型的街边停车处,路灯和长椅。
- Detective Caldwell:Well, what about 63rd street parking garage in New York City? 考德威尔:那么,纽约第63停车场又是怎么回事?
- Starting from this Sunday, the parking lot at McKee public school will charge for parking. We suggest to use street parking around the school. 自本周开始,周日学校停车需要付费,建议大家可停学校周边道路。
- This time, he bumped into a car parked only one metre away. 这次,他马上撞到了停在1米外的另外一辆小车。
- Every means possible will be tried to expand the public green land to basically provide a street park in every 500 meters block. 利用一切可能扩大公共绿地,基本形成500米服务半径的街区公园布局。
- Lock your vehicle; Do not leave any valuables inside the vehicle. This parking facility provides free parking only; and shall bear no responsibility for any losses. 本停车场仅免费提供泊车场地,不承担保管责任,驾驶人员应自行锁好车门窗、尾箱,贵重物品须随身携带;
- It wont be easy to get free parking space in Fisherman Warf but Twin Peaks.I recommend u to find the street parking coz the Garage parking is really expensive there. 谢谢.;请问停车费率通常是多少?如果我超过停车时间没有投钱;要到哪里补缴停车费?(我是观光客;想租车玩湾区)
- Lock your vehicle and Do not leave any valuables inside the vehicle. The parking lot provides free parking only; and shall bear no responsibility for any losses. 本停车场仅免费提供泊车场地,不承担保管责任,驾驶人员应自行锁好车门窗、尾箱,贵重物品须随身携带;
- For instance, he recalls meeting with the town mayor to ask permission to block off streets for a student fundraiser. 举例来说,他记得有一次必须会见该市市长请求封闭街道来进行学生募款运动。
- Valet parking only, sir. 先生,只能代客停车。
- Part of the street was coned off. 这条街有一段路面被封锁了交通。
- Police sealed off streets inparts of the provincial capital, Urumqi, after discord between ethnicMuslim Uighur people and China's Han majority erupted into violence. 在穆斯林维族和中国的大族汉族发生冲突后,警察在新疆省首府乌鲁木齐封锁了部分街道。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。