- Do not offer advice on the first instance. Listen. 不要在听懂之前给出建议,学会听!
- Don't offer advice to those who are more experienced than you are. 切莫向那些比你更有经验的人提出劝告。
- The manager wishes us to offer advice on the coming new year party. 新年晚会快举办了,经理希望大家都能积极主动地建言献策。
- The women also gathered to offer advice and support to the new bride. 妇女们还聚集在一起向新娘提供建议和支持。
- A rebuttal to someone who doesn't have the problem himself but is trying to offer advice. 驳斥某人未曾体验某事之艰难,不明就里,却妄图给人忠告。
- Mothers only offer advice on two occasions: when you want it and when you don't. 母亲一般只在两种情况下给你建议:你需要的时候,和你不需要的时候。
- Staff at the UK Visa Application Centres will be on hand to offer advice regarding the visa application process. 签证申请中心的服务人员将回答申请者有关申请程序的咨询。
- Staff at the UK Visa application centre will be on hand to offer advice regarding the visa application process. 签证申请中心的服务人员可以在申请者递交其申请表格时向他们提供非正式建议。
- Sima Qian exactly expressed the function of Ci-fu was to offer advice to the sovereign in a euphemistic and indirect language. 在辞赋的功用问题上,司马迁明确地表达了自己重于讽谏的观点。
- Because we have so much to choose from, many companies and stores offer advice about what we should eat. 因为我们有这么多东西可以选择,许多公司和商店都对我们该吃什么提出建议。
- Language teachers often offer advice to language learners: Read as much as you can in the new language. 语言教师常向学习者提出建议:尽可能地用你新学语言文字去大量阅读。
- Indiana and many other schools also offer advice on ways to manage spending and save money. 印第安纳大学和一些其它学校也提供关于管理开销和省钱的建议。
- Language teachers often offer advice to language learners: "Read as much as you can in the new language. 语言教师常向学习者提出建议:"尽可能地用你新学语言文字去大量阅读"。"
- Vote on the traffickers, the masses have a lot of wisdom to offer advice and suggestions. 就票贩子的情况,群众也有无穷的智慧来献计献策。
- We have to make do with less.Lots of articles offer advice: Eat at home.Take the bus.Rearrange, don't redecorate. 这轮经济增长将可能带动中国在二十年内成为世界最大的经济体并步入发达国家之列。
- Staff at the VFS offices will also be on hand to offer advice regarding the visa application process. 签证申请中心的职员们也会提供相应的签证申请咨询及辅导。
- Work with the designers and developers to offer advice and creative input in both the design and development of the product. 与设计和开发人员紧密合作,为产品的设计和开发提供建议。
- We offer advice and information on the local economic and regulatory environment, and act as intermediary for contact with French administration. 我们提供建议和当地经济和法律环境的资讯,并在投资者和法国行政部门间牵线搭桥。
- You can book an appointment with an Entry Clearance Officer who will offer advice to students in the pre-application phase. 您可以与签证官预约,在准备签证申请的前期阶段获得专业指导。
- Let us request those species willing to offer advice and work with us in relation to our new astrology signs to step forward now and stand before us. 让我们请求那些相关于我们的新星象标志、愿意提供建议并和我们一起工作的物种现在走出并站在我们面前。