- The second part observes the relations between drama and the Wizard, Actor, Nuo, Song and Dance, Rite for offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors, which exists with dense ghost culture. 第二部分:考察了含有浓厚鬼文化气息的巫、优、傩、歌舞、祭祀仪式与戏剧的关系,推论戏曲从仪式中脱胎生成。
- They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。
- circle on offering sacrifices to gods 祭祀圈
- offering sacrifices to gods and earth 天地祭祀
- They offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。
- the verb not belonging to offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors 非祭祀动词
- the system of offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors 郊庙祭祀体系
- They offered sacrifices to the gods. 他们向众神献上祭品。
- offering sacrifices to god 祭祀
- Phenology Calendar in North China and the Action of Offering Sacrifices to Gods by Shaman 北方物候历与萨满祭祀
- Offering Sacrifices to Gods or Ancestors and Having Food and Drink The Main Melody of Poem and Drink in the Pre- Qin Days 祭祀和宴饮:先秦酒诗的主旋律
- At the time of Zhuan Xu or Gao Yang Shi, one of the three sovereigns in prehistoric China, Ju Long is an official in charge of land use. After he dies, people continue to cherish his memory, offering sacrifices to him as the God of the Earth. 在颛顼高阳氏时代,句龙担任“土正官”,死后,人们怀念他,尊他为“后土”,“土神”,并祭奠他。
- In general,bibliolatry cultural system consists of some cultural elements such as god idea,rite of offering sacrifices to the gods,taboo and so on. 典籍崇拜文化丛由神灵观念、祭祀仪式、禁忌等文化元素所组成。
- And Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God; and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses' father-in-law before God. 摩西的岳父叶忒罗把燔祭和平安祭献给神。亚伦和以色列的众长老都来了,与摩西的岳父在神面前吃饭。
- The ancient Hebrews killed animals on the altars as sacrifices to God. 古代希伯来人在祭坛上杀动物作为给神的祭品。
- Ancient emperors prayed for the country's prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai. 古代帝王择泰山,奉以供品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣与祥和而祈祷。
- And saying these things, they restrained the crowds only with difficulty from offering sacrifices to them. 二人说了这些话,才勉强拦住群众不向他们献祭。
- Israel left with all he owned and reached Beersheba where he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 以色列遂带著他所有的一切出发,来到了贝尔舍巴,向他父亲依撒格的天主献了祭,
- Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess. 就连父权意味颇浓的"封禅",其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。
- The most popular one puts that it began from offering sacrifices to Taiyi-God during Emperor Han Wu times. 最有影响的说法是元宵节起源于汉武帝时祭祀太一神的活动。