- They offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。
- offering sacrifices to stars 祭星
- They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god. 他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。
- They offered sacrifices to the gods. 他们向众神献上祭品。
- Ancient emperors prayed for the country's prosperity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai. 古代帝王择泰山,奉以供品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣与祥和而祈祷。
- And saying these things, they restrained the crowds only with difficulty from offering sacrifices to them. 二人说了这些话,才勉强拦住群众不向他们献祭。
- Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess. 就连父权意味颇浓的"封禅",其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。
- The most popular one puts that it began from offering sacrifices to Taiyi-God during Emperor Han Wu times. 最有影响的说法是元宵节起源于汉武帝时祭祀太一神的活动。
- "Fengshan" is a kind of ceremony of the monarch offering sacrifices to Heaven and earth. 摘要封禅是一种帝王祭天地的礼仪,是我国古代最重要的国家祀典。
- In general,bibliolatry cultural system consists of some cultural elements such as god idea,rite of offering sacrifices to the gods,taboo and so on. 典籍崇拜文化丛由神灵观念、祭祀仪式、禁忌等文化元素所组成。
- According to the material we can find now, the traditional origin theory of offering sacrifices to Taiyi-God is thought not correct. 因此,根据现存的文献资料判断,元宵节起源于汉武帝时太一神祭祀活动的说法是不能成立的。
- At the time of Zhuan Xu or Gao Yang Shi, one of the three sovereigns in prehistoric China, Ju Long is an official in charge of land use. After he dies, people continue to cherish his memory, offering sacrifices to him as the God of the Earth. 在颛顼高阳氏时代,句龙担任“土正官”,死后,人们怀念他,尊他为“后土”,“土神”,并祭奠他。
- The second part observes the relations between drama and the Wizard, Actor, Nuo, Song and Dance, Rite for offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors, which exists with dense ghost culture. 第二部分:考察了含有浓厚鬼文化气息的巫、优、傩、歌舞、祭祀仪式与戏剧的关系,推论戏曲从仪式中脱胎生成。
- The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties went twice (and sometimes three times) a year to do worshipping and offering sacrifices to heaven to pray for good harvests and fine rain. 天坛是明清两代皇帝每年两次(有时三次)祭天、并祈祷五谷丰登的地方。
- In the historical development of Mulao people, "Dong" had the function of offering sacrifices to ancestors, cohering clansman, assimilating different races, administrating the society, etc. 在仫佬人漫长的历史进程中,"冬"具有祭祀祖先、凝聚族人、容纳异族、管理社会等功能。
- Undergo a long process of development, southeast, northwest and south are the cardinal points, the Han Dynasty offering sacrifices to Taiyi are changing his place, but there are in yang position. 从武帝时开始的东南方,然后到西北方;成帝时或在长安南方,或在西北方,其自始至终都坚持着在“阳位”祭祀,祭祀太一都与“阳”有关;“东皇”也是在阳位享祠;
- The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film. 这位导演想让迈克尔·凯恩主演他的新片子。
- In ancient times, people offered sacrifices to the Dragon King, praying for timely rainfall and good harvests. 中国神话里负责掌管降雨的王。古代人供奉王,祈求风调雨顺,五谷丰收。
- So in those days, they fashioned a calf, offered sacrifices to their idol and rejoiced in the work of their hands. 他们就在那几天制造了一个牛犊,向那偶像奉献祭品,并因他们手中的作品而欢乐。
- They, devoutly offered sacrifices to ancestors and visited the ancestors’ tombs. 他们很虔诚地祭祖、扫墓。