- interior official and titular ranks 内爵
- official and titular ranks 官爵
- He made his tone official and businesslike. 他用一本正经、公事公办的口气说话。
- The husband of a top NASCAR official and a company pilot are among the dead. 全国汽车比赛协会的一名高级职员的丈夫和一间公司的驾驶员罹难。
- Accumulate knowledge as you do your wealth; attain morality as you do your fame; love your parents as you do your wife and children; protect your country as you do your titular rank. 以积货财之心积学问,以求功名之念求道德,以爱妻子之心爱父母,以保爵位之策保国家。
- Towards table officials and commissioner. 面对记录台人员和技术代表。
- To announce officially and publicly; declare. 宣告正式且公开地宣布; 声明
- To announce officially and publicly;declare. 宣告正式且公开地宣布;
- If you succeed, you will receive 25000gp, you will be invested as a Knight of Neslehaven, and given lands and titular rights. 如果成功了,你还会得到25000枚金币的奖赏,并授予Neslehaven骑士称号,还会赐给你土地及名誉权。
- Hasn't your brother gone up in the world! He used to have such a low position, and now he's advising government officials and leading society! 你弟弟是不是发迹了?他过去地位十分卑微,现在当了政府官员的顾问,是左右社会的人物了!
- They officially and personally regarded De Gaulle as a deserter. 他们官方和私人方面皆视戴高乐谨系一流亡者。
- Failure) If you bring me the killers, I will give you another 25000gp, and you will be invested as a Knight of Neslehaven, and given lands and titular rights. 失败)如果你把那些杀手带来给我,我会付给你另外的25000枚金币,并且你会被授予Neslehaven骑士称号,以及属于你的土地和名誉权。
- Soon some officials and Butterfly's relations arrive. 不久,日本官员和蝴蝶的亲戚也来了。
- The government systematically withdrew official and institutional advertising. 政府又有计划地取消报刊上登载的官方和公关机构的广告。
- Sit down, please. Officials and winners march off the field. 请坐,颁奖官员,运动员退场。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。
- "Isn't the cloth magnificent?" Said the official and the Prime Minister. 这块布料多华丽啊!”那个官员和丞相说。
- Teachers.government officials and clerks receive salaries. 教师.;政府官员和职员接受薪水
- They officially and personally regarded De Gaulle as a deserter . 他们官方和私人方面皆视戴高乐谨系一流亡者。
- So some giving is official and some unofficial, but we give all the time. 所以有些公开,有些没有公开,无论如何,我们一直都在做。