- Official document writing requires strictly time limit because its value and effect are embodied heavily in timelimit. 摘要公文的价值和作用很大程度上就体现在时效性上,因此,公文写作有严格的时限要求。
- Official document writing contains rich aesthetic quality, in which masculine and feminine spirit lives in harmony and presents a beauty of grandeur and urbanity. 摘要公文写作蕴含着丰厚的审美品格,它以阳刚为经,以阴柔为纬,呈现出刚柔相济、气势雄浑、文质彬彬的和谐美。
- This article is intended to illustrate the characteristics and functions of official document writings so as to state the range of use of different styles of document writing and standardize official document writing so that things can go smoothly. 文章试从公文写作的特质与用途入手,通过对具体文种之间的比较分析,来明确文种的适用范围,规范公文写作,维系其高效有序的运转。
- On word conciseness in official document writing 论公文写作语言的简洁性
- Raise the Horizontal of Official Document Writing 提高公文撰写水平刍议
- Official Document Writing and Communication of Organizations 公文写作与组织的管理沟通
- The Handling of Language in Official Document Writing 公务文书的语言运用
- Precise Expression of Official Document Writing Language 公文写作语言的准确表达
- He leaves official document in his car. 他将官方文件丢在他汽车里。
- Official Document Writing Should meet with the Time: Standard and Innovation 公文写作的与时俱进:规范与创新
- The official document was misworded. 这公文的措词不当。
- An Approach to the Current Situation of Official Document Writing of Anti-epidemic and Health Organization 卫生防疫机构公文写作现状探讨
- Official documents are written in formal register. 官方文件是以正式语体写成的。
- Cultivating Subjectivity by Focusing Writing--An approach to Teaching Official Document Writing 以写为中心培养主体性--公文教学探析
- An official document or charter. 公文正式的文件或宪章
- To write or print the final draft of(an official document). 正式誊清正式誊写(官方文件)终稿
- Mixed-up Use of Different Literary Forms in Official Document Writing and Means to Discriminate Them 公文写作中常见文种的混用及辨析方法
- The official document of such a grant. 土地专有证赋予公共土地专有权的正式文件
- A document written on this material. 纸莎纸卷轴写在这种材料上的文献
- An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption. 赦免状宣布此类赦免的官方文件