- official military document 军用公文
- The solution expatiated in this paper puts forward the understanding of military document based on ontology and natural language understanding (NLU). 本文提出了一套基于本体和自然语言理解相结合的军用文书理解的解决方案。
- Three years of concerted political action paid off in 1977, when a law was passed to confer official military status on WASP service in World War II. 在1977年,一部有关承认WASP在军队中地位的法律获得通过,WASP成员们终于能和其他退役军人一样,获得公正的历史评价。
- Their shiny Audi sedans and other luxury cars with official military plates are a common sight on the streets of Chinese cities. 挂着军队牌照的奥迪轿车和其他豪华车在中国许多城市街头随处可见。
- An official military statement says that the militants are being interrogated and troops are conducting raids on the information obtained from them. 他们称这是在斯瓦特山谷主要城镇明戈拉外的一次“成功的”军事突袭。
- On the 5th of June, accordingly, a day of mingled rain and sun, General Lamarque's funeral procession traversed Paris with official military pomp, somewhat augmented through precaution. 六月五日那天,时而下雨,时而放晴,拉马克将军的殡葬行列,配备了正式的陆军仪仗队,穿过巴黎,那行列是为了预防不测而稍微加强了的。
- He leaves official document in his car. 他将官方文件丢在他汽车里。
- The document purports to be an official statement. 该文件据称是一项正式声明。
- In order to recognise many sentence patterns often presented in military documents,a SLR(1) grammar-based syntactic analysis method was us. 针对根据作战文书进行自动军事标图问题提出了一套处理方法。
- Official Military Personnel File 政府军事人员档案
- US military documents seem to suggest, however, that HAARP's main objective is to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." (quoted in Chossudovsky, op cit). 但是美国军方档案暗示HAARP的主要目标是出于国防目的的对电离层的开发和利用。
- Henderson Pollard, 26, pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S. military documents. 二十六岁的波拉德招认了两项重罪:合谋收受盗用之政府财产以及持有美国军事机密文件之事后共犯。
- Henderson Pollard,26,pleaded guilty to two felony charges: conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S. military documents. 二十六岁的波拉德招认了两项重罪:合谋收受盗用之政府财产以及持有美国军事机密文件之事后共犯。
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- The official document was misworded. 这公文的措词不当。
- Henderson Pollard,26,pleaded guilty to two felony charges:conspiring to receive embezzled government property and being an accessory after the fact to possessing secret U.S. military documents. 二十六岁的波拉德招认了两项重罪:合谋收受盗用之政府财产以及持有美国军事机密文件之事后共犯。
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。