- The unofficial system is not adapted to the official system. 非正式制度与正式制度不相适应;
- official system is reformed 官制改革
- This system is crying out for reform, ie urgently needs to is reformed. 这种制度亟需改革.
- This system is crying out for reform,ie urgently needs to is reformed. 这种制度亟需改革。
- This does not mean that the fighting has to stop until the system is reformed; it can be reformed while the fighting is going on. 不是说把仗停下来改造了制度再打,一面打仗一面就可以改变制度。
- Share-holding system is reformed must active and undertake reliably, both neither wants draw back one's hand not before, do not do blast again. 股份制改革必须积极而又稳妥地进行,既不要缩手不前,又不要搞一阵风。
- Or take another popular line of defence: it is often asserted that China cannot afford a more flexible exchange rate until its dodgy banking system is reformed and strengthened. 或者用另一个更受欢迎的防线:中国经常宣称在总是出岔子的金融系统得到改革并巩固之前,受不了更具弹性的汇率体系。
- After orgnaization system is reformed, the influence of management board of Wu of harbor of city of cervine spy red and responsibility will be increased with accentuation. 在机构体制改革之后 ,鹿特丹市港务治理局的权力和责任都将加大与加重。
- Monopolistic to plant of nicotian company, cigarette, tobacco bureau undertook 1992 " three-in-one " after system is reformed, nicotian enterprise is progressively form.. 1992年对烟草公司、烟厂、烟草专卖局进行“三合一”的体制改革后,烟草企业逐步形...
- The caste system is still strong in India. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。
- Their system is different to ours. 他们的制度和我们的不同。
- A comparative study of structuring the official system, appointing government officials and corresponding Jiluguan of the three system is made.A list in order of seniority is given. 着重比较研究这三个系统的构建体制、官吏任命和对应寄禄官情况,并列出辽朝南面朝官级差表。
- The company's wage system is coming under review. 即将重新考虑公司的工资制度。
- Informal system is system system forms content indispensably, it is official system generation, development and the premise that move effectively, it is the core content of social capital. 非正式制度是制度体系不可或缺的构成内容,是正式制度产生、发展和有效运行的前提,是社会资本的核心内容。
- The lifelong official system has been abolished. 废除领导干部终身制
- The new system is a departure from our usual methods. 这套新办法不同于我们惯用的方法。
- The current education system is not in concert with the reality. 现行的教育制度和现实并不一致。
- To reform the moral evaluation system is critical. 进行德育评价的改革已迫在眉睫。
- The rating system is undergoing some/a complete restructuring. 房地产税制正在进行某些[全面的]调整。
- The American educational system is a Chinese puzzle to most of the foreigners. 对大多数外国人来说,美国的教育制度是一种复杂难懂的东西。