- Twenty oil and gas fields are under development. 已有20个油气田投入开发,形成了海洋石油天然气产业。
- The soils polluted by petroleum exist in oil and gas fields universally. 土壤石油类污染在油田区域内是一个普遍存在的问题。
- The following examples of oil and gas fields in distributary and delta-fringe sand bodies range in age from Late Paleozoic to Middle Cenozoic. 下面所列举的是分布于分流和三角洲前绿砂体的油气田的例子,在地质时代上从晚古生代至中新生代。
- Submergence of BFP is a key procedure to exploit marginal oil and gas field economically. 平台沉放过程中,受到沿深度变流速水流的作用,并受到系泊锚索的约束。
- The branch of economic geology that deals with the occurrence and exploitation of oil and gas fields. 经济地质学中有关石油与煤气等产生与开发的分支。
- The paper introduces study conclusions on giant oil and gas fields in the world written by American scholar Mann P. 面对当前国内油气资源供求关系日趋紧张的形势,寻找能对国民经济起支柱性作用的大油气田已成为一项紧迫的任务。
- UBD(Under-balanced Drilling) has been applied widely onshore to improve the development of oil and gas fields. 欠平衡钻井在国内外陆地油田已得到了广泛的推广和应用,可有效提高油气田开发效益。
- UBD (Under-balanced Drilling) has been applied widely onshore to improve the development of oil and gas fields. 欠平衡钻井在国内外陆地油田已得到了广泛的推广和应用,可有效提高油气田开发效益。
- The CO_2 corrosion forms and corrosion mechanism in the development of oil and gas fields are elaborated. 论述了油气田开发过程中的CO_2腐蚀类型和腐蚀机理及其影响因素。
- Others will be migrated to traps or reservoirs, forming oil and gas fields and providing a foundation for the welfare of entire peoples and regions. 其它的油雾雾珠则会运移到储油圈闭层中去,形成油田和气田并为多数人和地区提供财富基础。
- A spring blizzard blankets Calgary with snow. Born as a cow town, Calgary boomed with later discoveries of rich oil and gas fields in Alberta. 一场春雪把整个卡尔加里盖在了厚厚的积雪下。卡尔加里作为一个牛仔之城源远流长,随着阿尔伯特省发现了丰富的石油和天然气田而逐渐繁荣兴盛。
- Along with the exploitation of oil and gas fields, people attaches more and more importance to the safe operation of pipelines. 摘要伴随着油气田的开发,管道的安全运行越来越受到人们的重视。
- The analysis shows that lea kage of crude oil and re-injection of waste water are the main causes of water s ystem pollution in oil and gas fields. 本文介绍双河、魏岗两油田地下水污染实例及其所造成水质恶化,饮用水源 受到污染被逐步废弃,水源变得更为紧缺等危害。
- The oil and gas fields dominated by carbonate are mainly distributed in the shallow tableland with luxuriant living beings. 摘要以碳酸盐岩为主的油气田多分布在生物繁茂的浅海台地上。
- The remaining recoverable reserves and reserve-production ratio (RPR) are two important parameters of the development of oil and gas fields. 剩余可采储量是油气田未来开发的物质基础,储采比是分析和判断油气田未来开发形势的特殊指标。
- Because of development of offshore oil and gas fields, Submarine pipeline insta-llotion poses a many important problems to study. 随着我国海上油气田的开发,海洋管道技术将成为重要的研究课题。
- This paper illustrates the state of informationization development of Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company. 简略介绍中国石油西南油气田公司信息化建设的现状。
- The TEG dehydration system in Pinghu oil and gas field needed to be altered on capability. 平湖油气田主要目的层为渐新统花港组油藏和始新统平湖组气藏。
- In addition,liquefaction projects of natural gas produced in Hubitu,Cainan and Mobei oil and gas fields in Xinjiang were put forward. 另外,对新疆呼图壁、彩南、莫北三个油气田所产的天然气提出了液化方案。
- Revitalizing old oil and gas fields requires a large upfront investment, and the companies wanted contracts that gave them a chance for a good return. 修复原有的石油和天然气田需要高额的前期投资,外国石油公司希望合约能给它们带来良好的回报。