- The Production Process and Technology in Chu 28 Block Protecting Oil Layer. 楚28断块保护油层采油工艺技术
- SP logging is one of logging methods which van effectively distinguish resistivity of mixed liquid in formation after oil layer being water flooding. 摘要自然电位测井是油层水淹后能够有效识别地层混合液电阻率信息的测井方法。
- The chemical property of formation water in oil layer might be equal to that of adjacent water layer. 油层中地层水的化学特性可能等同于临近水层的化学特性,当地层水与其宿主岩的形成时间不同时,就可能与之完全不同。
- Resistivity difference between oil layer and water layer is unconspicuous in target area. 目标区块受客观因素影响,油、水层电阻率差异小,常规电阻率法识别储层流体比较困难。
- The oil layer Chang 6 is the uppermost one in the Zheng 356 well area of Zhidan oil field. 针对志丹油田正356井区长6油层段,对其储层岩石学、储层物性、孔隙结构及储层控制因素等进行了研究。
- The efficient distance of ultrasonics in the oil layer was discussed in the paper. 研究结果表明,超声波处理后,原油的视粘度显著降低,反映了明显的声流变特性;
- Testing on 8 wells data of Putaohua oil layer in the eighth plant of Daqing oil field, we obtain nice results. 通过对大庆油田采油八厂升平油田葡萄花油层8口井的资料处理,取得了很好的效果。
- Both the areal structure setting and specific structure evolution cause the features of low permeable fracture for oil layer in Xinli Oilfield. 在区域构造背景以及该区特定构造演化的作用下,最终导致了新立油田扶杨油层呈现低渗透裂缝性的特征。
- Hade Oil Field in Tarim Basin has unique reservoirs structural features,namely,the reservoirs is thin, oil layer is deep and permeability is low. 塔里木哈得油田具有独特的油藏构造特征,油藏薄、油层深、渗透率低,采用阶梯式水平井开发多个凸镜体封闭油藏,经济上才有开采价值。
- Under mud invasion,resistivities of oil layer and water layer in different radial depth are influenced by various factors. 钻井过程泥浆侵入必然破坏井眼周围地层的孔隙度、渗透率结构,影响储层的电性,导致测井资料无法准确判识油气层。
- The second class oil layer is characterized by decreased channel sand, increased sublayers, thinning single layer, low permeability. 针对南二区东部二类油层河道砂发育规模明显变小,小层数目增多,单层厚度变薄、渗透率变低的储层特点。
- Severe sand production of the oil layer can lead the appearance of bare hole or stratum caves and casing bend and local heat concentration. 油层大量出砂造成的空洞、塌陷等引发套管弯曲,局部热应力集中,使套管应力增加而损坏。
- When the formation period of formation water is different to its host rock, its chemical property in oil layer may be entirely different to adjacent water layer. 沉积盆地中的外来水可以来源于浅部或地表,重力是其运移的主要动力。
- Dalinghe oil layer is the result of basin's large extent subsiding, with environments of deep rift lake, and turbidite of sublacustrine fan were deposited. 锦270井区大凌河油层是盆地大幅度沉降条件下的产物,以深陷湖环境为主,发育湖底扇浊积岩。
- The results show that the oil layer has low amplitude normal or negative anomaly SP and the water layer has large amplitude positive anomaly SP under the brine drilling fluid. 结果表明,适当的盐水钻井液条件下油层自然电位呈小幅度正异常或小幅度负异常,与水层自然电位呈大幅度正异常有很大差异。
- The result of field application shows that this profiled control agent can improve steam entry profile of oil layer, shorten drainage period, and increase cyclic production. 现场应用结果表明:该类调剖剂具有改善油层吸汽剖面、缩短排水期、提高周期产油的效果。
- In the paper, the performance of the modified emulsified bitumen used as penetrated oil layer is discussed by its application to the Beijing-Zhangjiakou expressway. 通过对京张高速公路路面施工中以改性乳化沥青作为透层油的工程应用,结合实践对其作用进行探讨。
- Deng 2 well is in ridge fault-block reservoir with it's oil layer in the sandstone of Yuzhuang formation fluvial facies and the location in the top of Houdeng structure. 邓2井含油构造,油层为余庄组的河流相砂岩,位置处于后邓构造顶部,油藏为屋脊断块构造类型。
- This paper deals with the design, research and application of a kind of new technique on the big hole perforation in oil well and forming fissure in oil layer. 论述了一种大孔径射孔造逢新技术的设计、研究及应用,该技术特别适用于稠油常规开采。
- A gas chromatography fingerprint technique can be used to study oil layers connectivity. 色谱指纹技术可用于油藏的油层连通性研究。