- Keywords production logging;multilayered reservoir;oil reservoir pressure;permeability;productivity index; 生产测井;多层油气藏;油层压力;渗透率;采油指数;
- oil reservoir pressure 储油器压力
- Reservoir pressure is approximately 2,150 p.s.i.. 油层压力大致为2,150磅/英。
- Enhancing development efficiency in shallow heavy oil reservoir. 提高浅层稠油油藏开发效果。
- Core description of a point bar in a deep oil reservoir. 深部储油层中的曲流沙坝岩心示意图。
- With the decline of reservoir pressure and oil saturation, water cut became high and the gas - oil ratio was lowed, so the production benefit got worse. 蒸汽吞吐中随着地层压力的降低和地层含油饱和度的减少,周期含水上升,油汽比下降,开采效益变差。
- Study on Plug Steam Flooding Technique for Heavy Oil Reservoir. 稠油油藏段塞蒸汽驱技术研究。
- Gas recovery from heavy oil reservoir with gas cap of Block Gao 3. 高3块气顶稠油油藏天然气采收率研究
- Simulation experiment was carried out on composition changes of air and crude oil in low-temperature oxidization (LTO) at reservoir temperature and reservoir pressure. 摘要通过空气与原油在油藏温度和一定压力下低温氧化过程的模拟实验,对反应前后气体与原油的组成进行分析。
- Breakthrough pressure method was presented in order to accurately determine the plugging position of water shutoff agent in oil reservoir. 为了能更准确地预测堵剂在油藏中的封堵位置,提出了堵剂突破压力法。
- Well testing analysis not only knows and evaluates oil reservoir, but also interprets the fracturing effect through the different fissure echo with different pressure feature. 试井分析技术不但可以认识和评价油气藏,还可以通过裂缝特性所表现出不同的压力反应特征,对压裂效果进行评价。
- Reservoir pressure decline,the increase of recovery rate and the damage of rock structure are main reasons of micro fine migration and sand production during oil recovery process of s... 疏松砂岩油藏开采过程中,油层压力下降和采油速度的增加以及岩石结构的破坏,是造成油层岩石微细粒运移和油井出砂的主要原因。
- Abstract: Reservoir pressure and temperature decrease radially to the borehole after the gas wells were put into production. 文章摘要: 元素硫是高含硫气藏开发的有害物质。
- The charging of a condenser from a battery is not unlike the filling of a tank from an oil reservoir. 电池给电容器充电就象油灌给油箱加油一样。
- It is easy to infer that, to drill safely, the Hydrostatic Pressure exerted by the Drilling Mud column must slightly overcompensate the Reservoir Pressure. 通过以上实验,可以很容易做出如下推断:为安全钻探起见,钻井液柱施加的流体静压力必须对储集层压力进行稍加过度补偿。
- Estimating maximum output of loose sandstone oil reservoir without controlling sand production at Minqiao oil field. 闵桥油田疏松砂岩油层在无防砂条件下最大产量估算。
- For a new well, it is an important work to determine initial reservoir pressure, effective permeability, summary skin coefficient, supplementary pressure loss and flow efficiency. 对于一口新井,确定原始地层压力、有效渗透率、总表皮系数、附加压力损失和流动效率,是试井的重要任务。
- Chang 2 reservoir of Qingpingchuan oil field, located in the eastern Shanbei slope of the Erdos Basin, is a typical low penetrability oil reservoir. 摘要通过对岩石矿物、储层物性、油层敏感性和水驱油效果分析,在储层地质研究基础上,评价青平川油田长2油藏注水开发效果。
- Finally,shallow gassy sand's gas reservoir pressure characteristics with SWCC are analyzed and forecasted,and it's conservative if the same thing is done b... 应用所得持水特征曲线进行含浅层气砂土中气藏压力状态的分析预测,结果表明使用无围压下持水特征曲线进行预测是偏于安全的。
- Mian14 Area of Bamianhe Oilfield is a fault block and high-viscosity oil reservoir, with sanding formation and very different permeability. 摘要八面河油田面14区为断块稠油油藏,油层出砂,渗透率差异大。