- Today's flexible jobs markets allow oil shocks to be absorbed less harmfully. 而目前灵活的就业市场能够吸收石油价格震荡的影响,使其伤害没有原来大。
- Both papers help tell us why oil shocks hurt much less than they used to. 两份论文都帮助我们了解为什么石油震荡的伤害没有以前大。
- Composite oil shocks with dual O-rings seals and threaded spring pre-load adjusters. 综合石油冲击与双O型环密封和螺纹春季预加载调节。
- A second major oil shock in 1979, aided by the Iranian Revolution, sent oil prices up pest $40 a barrel. 1979年第二次大规模的石油冲击是伊朗革命促成的,它使油价上涨到每桶超过40美元。
- A second major oil shock in 1979, aided by the Iranian Revolution, sent oil prices up past $40 a barrel. 1979年第二次大规模的石油冲击是伊朗革命促成的,它使油价上涨到每桶超过40美元。
- OPEC has delivered a second major oil shock, followed by a world recession and oil glut in 1980-1981. 石油输出国组织发动了第二次大规模的石油冲击,接踵而来的是1980-1981年的世界性衰退和石油过剩。
- The rigidity of the 1970s economies, where union power and indexed contracts meant wages were unyielding, only magnified the adverse effects of oil shocks. 1970年代的经济没有目前这么灵活,那时有工会力量,及那些与通胀相联系的合同,这意味着工资上缺少灵活性,而这些则增大了石油震荡的负面作用。
- Just look at Brazil, which implemented a program mandating the deployment of flex-fueled cars in reaction to the oil shocks of 1973. 看一看巴 西,为了应对1973年的石油危机,巴西实行了一个计划,命令使用混合燃料车。
- Notwithstanding the spectre of past oil shocks, crude prices have risen to ever-dizzier heights without derailing a five-year period of strong global growth. 尽管过去石油震荡的阴魂仍然在游荡,原油价格仍然达到使人眼晕的高价,并且没有阻止5年的世界经济快速增长。
- One effect of the 1970s oil shock was to encourage people to buy cars with diesel engines, which are usually more efficient than Otto-cycle engines. 20世纪70年代出现的石油危机其中的一个影响就是导致人们去购买热效率比奥托循环发动机(汽油机)高的柴油机。
- Some strong exogenous shocks, such as oil shock and financial crisis, will change the DGP of economic series and thus change the coefficients of econometric models. 一些强烈的外生冲击,例如石油危机、金融危机等,会改变经济资料的资料生成过程(DGP),使得计量模型的某些参数发生改变。
- Equipped with large capacity oil shocks as standard. Soaks up bumps with ease and secures smooth jump landings. Features dial adjustable chassis height setting. 配备大容量的石油冲击作为标准。吸收颠簸与纾缓,并确保顺利跳转降落。拨号功能,可调式底盘高度设置。
- During the two oil shocks in the 1970s and 1980s, trade frictions emerged when major economies attempted to increase exports by depreciating their currencies. 上世纪七八十年代两次石油危机时,主要国家放任货币贬值以扩大出口的作法引发了贸易摩擦。
- America, Britain and Germany led steel-making until the 1970s, when Japan and South Korea emerged as the most efficient producers in a world reeling from the first oil shock. 一直到二十世纪七十年代,美国、英国和德国都在钢铁产量上领先全球。自从全世界经历了第一次石油危机后,日本和南韩作为效率最高的钢铁生产国而崛起。
- The news media whip this up into a story suggesting an oil shock is on the way, and the resulting panic buying by the public degenerates into a global grab for oil. 新闻媒体立刻把这些编成一个故事来暗示石油危机即将到来。造成的结果,就是公众的抢购形成了恐慌,而这种恐慌又进一步发展成了一次全球性的石油掠夺。
- OPEC countries wrest pricing fully from Western multinationals in the first "Oil Shock" and prices soar from around $2.50 a barrel in January 1973 to $11.50 by 1974. 在第一次石油恐慌中;欧佩克国家从西方跨国公司手中完全夺取了定价。油价从1973年1月的每桶约2.;50美元暴涨到1974年前的11
- The same GXR15 engine with recoil starter and 2-speed A/T powers an enhanced drive train with front universal shafts and suspension with aluminum oil shocks as new standard features. 同时gxr15反冲发动机起动和2高速A /吨的权力,增强驱动列车前线普遍槽及暂停与铝的石油冲击,作为新标准的特点。
- When mixed with oil in the air, easy in its high-pressure area formed cavitation, and pressure wave form of communication, caused by oil shocks, resulting in cavitation noise generated. 当油液中混入空气后,易在其高压区形成气穴现象,并以压力波的形式传播,造成油液振荡,导致系统产生气蚀噪声。
- In the 1950s it went into a Sputnik-driven spin about Soviet power; in the 1970s there was Watergate, Vietnam and the oil shocks; in the late 1980s Japan seemed to be buying up America. 20世纪50年代陷入了与苏联有关的,由人造卫星驱动的漩涡之中;在70年代发生了水门事件,越战和石油冲击;在80年代末,日本似乎可以将美国收购。
- They started in the mid-1970s, in the wake of the world's first oil shock and after 25 years of American-style, car-centric traffic management that had coincided with a sharp decline in cycling. 他们开始在1970年代中期之后,世界上第一个石油危机和25年后的美国式的,汽车为中心的交通管理已符合急剧下降循环。