- Oil prices fall again as oil supplies rise. 美国:石油供应增加,价格再次下降。
- A quantity of oil supplies contributed to the Blaze. 大量的供油促成烈火。
- Kodi says In Brazzaville French officials will be looking for new oil supplies. 在尼日尔, 法国核公司阿海珐最近刚刚签署了开采铀矿的合同。
- Oil supplies are stretched thin as climate cooling drives up demand. 由于气候寒冷化推动需求,石油供应快到极限了。
- All this has shaved critically needed oil supplies at a time when demand has been rising. 所有这一切,已经剃光了急需的石油供应时,需求一直在上升。
- Such a move by Iran, Z. says, would endanger the Persian Gulf oil supplies and force a U. 称,伊朗这种行动将会危及波斯湾的原油供应并迫使美国做出回应。
- They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to pre-empt world oil supplies. 他们看到,具有重商主义倾向的中国正在一门心思地抢占世界石油供应。
- If nations get twitchy about their oil supplies, how might they react if food, or water, are threatened? 如果国家对于石油供应都这么担忧的话,那么面临食物或水源短缺威胁的时候,他们要如何应对呢?
- Such a move by Iran, Zeihan says, would endanger the Persian Gulf oil supplies and force a US response. 伊朗的行动会对p海湾的石油供应构成威胁,迫使美国给出答复。
- Oil prices surged yesterday amid market fears that the Panamanian crisis could hit US crude oil supplies. 石油的价格昨天大幅度上涨,人们担心巴拿马危机会打击美国的原油供应。
- Botswana's foreign minister wants sanctions against Zimbabwe to include stopping oil supplies. 博茨瓦纳外交部长甚至要求对津巴布韦进行制裁,包括停止对其石油供给。
- He says it is poor countries that will be hit hardest by a downturn in oil supplies. 他说当石油供给下降的时候,一个贫穷的国家遭受的打击将会更大。
- But threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which roughly a quarter of the world's oil supplies passes, send shivers through oil markets. 伊朗发出的威胁要关闭霍尔木兹海峡的消息更是引起了石油市场的振荡,因为供应到全世界的石油大约四份之一从这里经过。
- The IEA did not see any end soon to the supply problems in Nigeria, or to concerns about future Iranian oil supplies following Tehran's standoff over its nuclear plans. 国际能源机构认为,尼日利亚的供应问题不会很快得到解决,而随着伊朗核问题陷入僵持局面,对伊朗未来石油供应的担心短期内也不会消除。
- The key to the two goals of Eisenhower Administration, protecting the oil supplies and secure a peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, lie in Egypt. 艾森豪威尔政府对中东政策有两大目标,一是保证石油的来源供应,二是寻求阿以之间的和平相处之良策。
- BEIJING - Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Saturday urged local commerce bureaus to set up and improve early warning system amid efforts to stabilize domestic oil supplies. 北京-中国国家商业部(MOC)周日要求各地方商业局设定和改进前期预警机制,以稳定国内的石油产品供应。
- The White House warned that the bill could subject US firms abroad to reprisals, and could end up limiting oil supplies, raising prices and threatening US jobs. 白宫警告说,该议案可能使海外的美国公司遭报复,并导致石油供应受限和价格上涨,甚至威胁国内就业。
- Libya cut its oil supplies and is still holding two Swiss businessmen in Tripoli as virtual hostages, even after the Swiss president flew to Libya to apologise for the arrests. 利比亚停止了对瑞士的石油供应,并且在利比亚首都的黎波里扣押了两个瑞士商人作为虚拟人质,之后瑞士总统飞往利比亚就逮捕事件进行道歉。
- In perhaps the most far-reaching change, China has become Angola's financier, lending Luanda as much as $12 billion for the country's reconstruction, in return for guaranteed oil supplies. 中国已成为安哥拉的金主,贷给罗安达的重建资金高达120亿美元,以换取安哥拉保证供油,这可能是影响最深远的改变。
- The UDF/UHB demonstrations in the late 1980s traced their roots to the OPEC oil embargo of 1973 and the rude awakening it gave the USA to its vulnerability to internationally controlled oil supplies. 其实,之所以会出现80年代末的那场UDF/UHB昙花一现的展示秀,最早的起因是1973年欧佩克实施的石油禁运,以及美国对其受国际操控的石油供应影响的逐渐清醒。