- A type of engine fuel injector of 12-cylinder was set up to form five kinds of fault,they are nozzle blockage,needle valve clip,spring break,very low and very high pressure of needle valve open. 某12缸发动机喷油器上设置的5种故障分别是喷孔堵塞、针阀卡滞、弹簧断裂、针阀开启压力过低和针阀开启压力过高。
- short needle valve fuel injector 短针阀喷油器
- This paper briefly analyzes the accident of failure of fuel oil injection of single cylinder in the main engine,which caused by needle valve sticking in the injector pump. 分析了某船主机由于喷油泵针形阀故障造成单缸停油的事故,并提出应对措施,以期同行们能从中吸取教训,避免类似事故发生。
- With their low mass and short switching times, piezo actuators are far superior to the conventional solenoid valves used to actuate the injection needles in fuel injection valves. 由于压电致动器体积小、切换时间短,它们远胜于在喷射阀被用来驱动喷油针的传统螺线阀。
- fuel injector needle 喷油器针
- Forward needle valve positions for easy access. 针形阀位置提前,便于接近。
- Attach vent (yellow) hose to TC#4 and vent needle valve. 连接排气(黄)软管到测试旋塞4号和排气针形阀上。
- Opening Pressure of Fuel Injector: 15,000–15,8kPa (2175–2291 psi). 燃油喷射器打开压力: 15;000–15;8kPa (2175–2291 psi).
- Open TC#3, needle valve "B ", and vent needle valve. 开启测试旋塞3号,针形阀“B”,和排气针形阀。
- Install fuel injector(s) into fuel rail assembly and install retaining clip(s). 将燃油喷射器安装在燃油轨道组合中,并安装固定夹。
- Open TC#2 and needle valve "A", close needle valve "A" and TC #4. 开启测试旋塞2号和针形阀“A”,关闭针形阀“A”和测试旋塞4号。
- Close needle valve "A" high side (red) and open test cock No. 2. 关闭针形阀“A”高端(红),并开启测试旋塞2号。
- oil fuel injecting pump 燃油喷射泵
- fuel injection needle 喷油针
- All needle valves must be closed on test kit. 检测组件上的所有针形阀必须关闭。
- Disconnect all fuel injection harness connections. 断开所有的燃油喷射电线束接头。
- Because inject needle crosses infection kitchen or pinhead to be polluted to reach,infection is more local or anaesthetic disinfection is lax cause. 感染多是由于注射针穿过感染灶或针头被污染及局部或麻药消毒不严引起。
- Open vent needle valve and bleed air from hose. Then close vent valve. 开启排气针形阀,并从软管排放空气。然后关闭排气阀。
- Jiangsu Sihong Fuel Injection Equipment Co., Ltd. 江苏泗洪油嘴油泵有限公司。