- ois transversum 横骨
- Est-ce que tu m'aper?ois hey oh! 你察觉到我了吗?
- Haha, here also ois s aphkid ling qcr Mozart chocolate! 哈哈,这里也卖奥地利莫扎特巧克力!
- With OIS' communications middleware, this is no longer the case. 结合OIS公司的通信中间件,这就不再是一个问题。
- For more information on that, be sure to look at the Using OIS article. 更多的有关内容可以参见“使用OIS”的相关文章。
- Testing the Samsung TL34HD at 1280x720, high quality, OIS On. Unedited. 台北纪行-壹HD高画质影片分享下载。
- The rise of the centrist Fran?ois Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race. 而中间派领导人贝鲁的异军突起也是总统大选呈现三足鼎立之势。
- Mr Latter further remarked that OIS provided a flexible hedging tool for banks and corporate treasurers. 黎定得进一步指出,隔夜指数掉期合约可为银行及商业机构司库提供一项灵活的对冲工具。
- Note that this is only meant as an introduction to buffered input, and not a complete tutorial on how to use OIS. 请注意这里只是对缓冲输入的一个简单介绍,而不是完整的如何使用OIS的教程。
- Note that the OIS MouseListener handles both mouse button events and mouse movement events. 若想了解更多内容,请查阅相关的OIS使用教程。
- The rise of the centrist François Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race. 而中间派领导人贝鲁的异军突起也是总统大选呈现三足鼎立之势。
- An OIS is a fixed floating interest rate swap with the floating leg tied to a published index of an overnight reference rate. 隔夜指数掉期合约是一种定息与浮息掉期交易,其中浮息部分与一个定期公布的隔夜参考利率指数挂。
- Fran?ois Mitterrand kept his mistress and their daughter hidden in a presidential apartment for years, with the complicity of certain French reporters. 弗朗索瓦密特朗在让某些法国记者的配合下她的情人和他们的女儿在总统公寓隐藏了数年。
- Objective To explore the change of CD + 4lymphocyte count in relation with HIV/AIDS clinical symptoms and opportunistic(OIS). 目的 探讨艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染者 /艾滋病 (AIDS)患者临床症状和机会性感染与CD+ 4 细胞数之间的关系。
- In this short tutorial you will be learning to use OIS's buffered input as opposed to the unbuffered input we used last tutorial. 在本单元中你将学习使用与之前介绍的非缓冲机制不同的OIS缓冲输入机制。
- When François Mitterrand nationalised France's banks in 1981 he did so because he thought the state would run them better. 密特朗在1981年将法国银行实行国有化是因为他认为国家能够更好地运营银行。
- Last month Fran?ois Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was “an indicative date” for competition rather than a firm deadline. 上个月,法国工业部部长弗朗索瓦?罗斯说,2009年只是引入竞争的“一个指示性年份”,并非雷打不动的最后期限。
- Mr Sarkozy's prime minister François Fillon said in June that he would come up with a way out of the impasse, but nothing happened. 早在今年6月,法国总理菲永就曾对记者说,会想出一个办法摆脱僵局,但什么事都没有发生。
- French schoolchildren today are taught to be proud of François's victory at Marignano.This exhibition will show them what happened afterwards. 今天的法国学生被教导要为弗朗索瓦在马里尼雅诺的胜利而骄傲,而这场展览将告诉他们之后发生了什么。
- He is expected to name François Fillon, who brought in a contested pension reform and is his jogging partner, as prime minister. 他的慢跑搭档,提出备受争议的养老金改革的名叫弗朗西斯.;菲永的预计将成为总理。