- He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points. 他引用了一些中国古话来解释他的论点。
- old chinese writings 文言文
- There are many old chinese geomantic tests. 姓名测试
- Do you like old Chinese mythologies? 你喜欢中国的古老传说吗?
- This old Chinese saying contains much truth. 这是很有道理的。
- Many old Chinese people are analphabetic. 旧中国很多人目不识丁。
- "The more articulate, the less say" is an old Chinese proverb which I just make up myself. "寡言者善辩"是我自己刚刚虚构的一句中国古谚。
- What about those beautiful little old Chinese porcelain vases? 那些漂亮的小小的古老的中国瓷花瓶怎么样?
- This old Chinese china is a very valuable piece of furniture. 这件古老的中国瓷器是一件很有价值的家具。
- This old Chinese square table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧的中国方桌是一件很珍贵的家具。
- This old Chinese square table is a very valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧的中国八仙桌是一件很珍贵的家具。
- The characters in Chinese writing look like small pictures. 汉字看起来象是一幅幅小图画。
- This is the oldest Chinese manuscript in existence. 这是现存最早的汉语手稿。
- Our young writers have to be familiar with both the growing corpus of local Chinese writings and the trends in East Asia. We are part of a larger East Asian revival. 年轻本地作家应该熟悉日渐蓬勃的本地作品以及东亚的趋势,因为我们也属于东亚文艺复兴的一部分。
- The Xinluo students were accomplished in the Confucianism sutra, could compose in types of literature and indite many excellent Chinese writings. 新罗留学生精通儒家典籍,熟悉各种汉文学体裁的写作,创作了大量优秀的汉文学作品。
- An old Chinese proverb says that too much learning does not become a woman. 中国古话说,女子无才便是德。
- Good command of English and good Chinese writing skill. 良好的英语听说读写能力和中文写作技能。
- An old Chinese proverb says that too much learning does not becomes a woman. 中国古书上说,女子无才便是德。
- At the same time, Lao She is a typical modern elite intellectual, a bilingual writer.His Chinese writings must have tendencies of Europeanization, elegant and aesthetical. 同时,作为一个典型的现代精英知识分子,一个能够用双语写作的小说家,他的汉语写作也具有明显的欧化、雅化、审美化倾向。
- ASL is sometimes called ideographic, like Chinese writing. 有时美国手语被称为是表意语言,就像中国书法一样。