- Old Faithful geyser is the most famous. 老实间歇泉是最著名的。
- In Yellowstone National Park you can visit the geyser Old Faithful. 在黄石国家公园,你可以参观间歇式的“老忠实”喷泉。
- You can see a geyser named The Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. 你可以在黄石公园内看到一个名叫老实泉的喷泉。
- Old Faithful erupts about every 85,87 minutes.It's 130,140 feet tall,it's magnificent. "老忠实喷泉"每隔85到87分钟喷射一次,高达130到140英尺,十分壮观。
- There we saw American bison, elk, mountains, hot springs, and the Old Faithful geyser. 在那儿我们看过北美野牛,麋,山,温泉,和“老忠实”喷泉。
- Deep under Old Faithful, where the molten rock is, the pressure is much greater. 在老忠实的下面,也就是熔岩所在的地方,压力比上面大多了。
- What is Old Faithful and why have millions of people traveled to Wyoming to see it? 什麽是老实泉?为什麽有数以百万的人涌入怀俄明来看它?
- Today,Yellowstone's identity is closely associated with its powerful,natural geysers such as the ever present: Old Faithful. 今天,黄石国家公园的特色是与其许多天然间歇泉紧密联系在一起的,诸如迄今尚存的"老忠实喷泉"。
- Tourists look on as Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park's most famous geyser, sends a tower of scaling water skyward. 意译:美国地标和国家公园图片。游客看作为老忠实支持者,黄石国家公园最有名的间歇泉,发出了一个尺度水向天空。
- Only at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, would you see the picturesque foreground of the famous Old Faithful Geyser erupting in front an already picturesque sky. 只有在美国怀俄明州的黄石国家公园,你才能在独特的天空下看到前景位置上有一个著名的老忠实喷泉。
- That combination of rice and broth seems to break down certain sugars that, along with sodium, suck water back into your system, offsetting the dehydration caused by Old Faithful. 米饭和肉汤一起食用似乎分解了某种搪分,其与体内的钠一起作用,把水分吸收回身体系统,从而弥补了由衰老造成的脱水。
- If Old Faithful were exactly like a pan on a stove, you'd expect the water to bubble out continually. What makes it alternate between quiet dormancy and exploding action? 如果老守信泉可经像做在炉子上的一口锅那样准时沸腾,你将预测到水会不断地起泡。是什么使它在静止冬眠状态和爆发行为间进行转换呢?
- After a roution only puzzle accompany.Like a toy controled by what lying before ,following the organized old faith ,with buring out the bright life as the destation . 到头来只是让自己迷失,只是像一具木偶完全受控于旧有的一切,按照俗成的陈旧观念燃尽自己的生命之火。
- I am sure he was not on his way to reach Old Faithful Geyser as I was.He does not have to do so in the summer, as fresh grasses are abundant everywhere in the summer of Yellowstone. 它该不会向我一样前往那尊老忠实喷泉,因为它在夏天没有必要这么做,夏季的黄石公园里到处都是新鲜茂盛的草地。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- There was rising the new and at first persecuted sect of Christians destined soon to supplant the old faiths. 新的东西浮现,首先是基督教派迫害很快代替了古老的信仰。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!