- Under the old regime women could not vote. 在旧政权下妇女不能选举。
- The barbarity of the old regime was eventually exposed. 旧政体的暴行终被揭露出来。
- Under the old regime, they suffered many humiliations. 在旧社全,他们受过许多屈辱。
- The fall of the old regime provided fertile ground for opportunism. 旧政权的垮台为机会主义提供了成熟的时机。
- They are under no obligation to repay debts incurred by the old regime. 他们没有偿还旧债的义务。
- They are under to obligation to repay debts incurred by the old regime. 他们没有偿还旧债的义务。
- The old regime withdrew from the political arena. The world is like an arena of moral conflict. 世界象一个道义冲突的竞争场所。
- The breakdown of the Old Regime and Transition to Democracy. Valenzuela, Arturo. 旧政体衰亡和过渡民主。
- Screening public figures for connections to the old regime is common in eastern Europe, but the new law has unparalleled scope. 对公众进行审查,以期找到他们与旧体制之间的联系,这在东欧国家来说是一件很普遍的事情,但是这一新法案波及的范围却是空前的广大。
- I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. 没有伟大的人物出现的民族,是世界上最可怜的生物之群;有了伟大的人物,而不知拥护、爱戴、崇仰的国家是没有希望的奴隶之邦!
- Masses go into a revolution not with a prepared plan of social reconstruction, but with a sharp feeling that they cannot endure the old regime. 大众参加革命,带着不是准备好的社会重建计划,而是无法忍受旧制度的强烈感受。
- In short, one could not judge how the macroeconomy would respond to a new policy based on its behaviour under the old regime. 简而言之,在已有的政治体制下宏观经济会对新的经济政策有怎样的反映是很难说的。
- Manners there admitted of all sorts of involuntary refinements which were the old regime itself, buried but still alive. 他们的习气有着许许多多不自觉的文雅细致,那完全是旧秩序死而复苏的故态。
- Today The Times highlights the abuses under the old regime, described by the Immigration Minister as the Achilles' heel of the system. 今日,泰晤士报强调了旧机制的弊端,移民部长把此弊端称为系统的阿喀琉斯的脚后跟(指系统机制的致命点)。
- No one you want to change the regime, we have for you the concept of the old regime and ideology have no interest in rotten pickles. 没有人想要更迭你的政权,我们对你陈旧的政权概念和意识形态烂腌菜毫不感兴趣。
- It is evident that the moves and intervention of external power centres shall not stop until national capitulationism of old regime is defeated in the struggle. 很明显,旧统治的民族投降主义的势力不被击败,外来势力中心的干涉行为就不会停止。
- In the new path which he had entered on, in judging the mistakes of the old regime, as in measuring the glory of Napoleon, he neglected the attenuating circumstances. 他在新走上的那条道路上审判旧秩序时,也正和他衡量拿破仑的光荣一样,忽略了减尊因素。
- After reviewing eleven post-communist nascent democracies in Europe, we find support for the old regime is inversed related to the radicalism of the constitutional reform. 在检视了十一个欧洲后共新兴民主国家之后,我们发现社会对前威权体制的支持和宪改的激进性是成反比的。
- The Kaczynskis want to drive the old regime's cronies out of their powerful jobs.But they have often brought in their own chums, rather than apolitical experts. 卡钦斯基兄弟想要驱使这种任人唯亲的旧体制从他们的权利职责中消失,但他们却往往重用自己的亲信,而不是对政治不感兴趣的专业人士。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。