- Let' s throw all the old stuff out of the house ! 咱们把家里的破旧东西扔掉吧!
- I daresay anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you. 我敢说,他在演讲里所谈的对你来说必定是老套。
- I dare say anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you but since I'm not an anthropologist I found it very interesting and informative. 我想他在讲演中所要说的每个问题,对你来说,都可能是老生常谈,但是,因为我不是人类学家,我倒觉得它趣味横生,资料丰富哩。
- So, a minute of new links and the rest of it old stuff? 就是用一种新的方式把那些旧东西连接起来咯?
- YOU MAY HAVE MY OLD LOOKS, BUT YOU AIN'T GOT MY OLD STUFF. 对克隆草薙京:你可以拥有我以前的样子,但你无法得到我以前的实力。
- Their so-called new proposal is nothing but the same old stuff. 他们的所谓新建议无非是老一套。
- It's just a way of recycling old stuff to take advantage of our faithful fans. 这就好像回收些旧东西,然后拿这些来回报我们的死忠粉丝。
- Yourunique approach outshines others' same old stuff on Monday.Show yourspark! 较其他人的平平无为而言,你将在周一表现出鹤立鸡群的状态,好好展示吧!
- It's the same dull old stuff in the same dull old monotone, week in, week out. 每次都只不过是一遍又一遍的老调重弹罢了。
- Brilliant. Loads of old stuff like mummies,tombs,even Scabbers enjoyed himself. 很棒.;好多古董玩意像木乃伊,金字塔,连斯卡巴也挺喜欢的
- I dare say,anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you. 我敢说,他在演讲里所谈的,对你来说必定是老套。
- THE CREATION OF THE LINKED EXCHANGE RATE Last weekend I spent some quiet time unpacking old stuff at my new home. 上周末我在入伙不久的新居,花了些时间收拾搬屋时封存了的旧东西。
- Can a gazebo holds out envy letting a person, but the place that wanted to hide old stuff too regrettablly. 能有个露台挺让人羡慕的,但要成了藏旧东西的地方就太可惜了。
- From auctioning people's old stuff, eBay now also hosts fixed-priced virtual shops offering new goods for sale. 不光拍卖人们的旧货了,eBay现在也寄存有虚拟商店,它们出售明码标价的新商品。
- She may be brought a few devoted to her tall canal, change devoted to the old stuff of Yang Zhiyuan and Debs. 她可能会带来一些忠于她的高管,换掉忠于杨致远和德克尔的老员工。
- If you're not making music and you're just going out to play the old stuff then I'd rather work in a fucking butchers. 如果你们不再做音乐你们只是出去演一些老歌,那么我他妈的还不如去当个卖肉的。
- The same old stuff goes out the window early in the week, probably with you giving it a shove. 本周开始,那些重复不变的事情可能会在你的推挤下飞出窗外。
- After when indoor stylist Dan Na buys this built seaside cabin with her husband, they were decorated one time, those who use is secondhand more or useless old stuff. 当室内设计师丹娜和她的丈夫买下这座新建的海滨小屋后,他们装修了一番,用的多是二手或废旧材料。
- This is caused by the decaying thought forms of old stuff, belonging to previous tenants etc, still being there, years after the originals have gone. 这是由仍然存在、正在衰退的旧东西的思想形式造成的,它属于以前的房客,原物好几年前早就不在了。
- Coolant drain and refill is not as simple as opening the drains,letting the old stuff run out,pouring in new coolant,warming the engine to open the thermostat and then topping up. 排干与重新加入冷却液的工作,并不像打开排水管,让旧的冷却液流出,注入新的冷却液,使发动机暖机以打开自动调温器,然后再注满冷却液那样简单。