- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- The olive leaf is a badgeof peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Olive Leaf to Treat Hypertension? 橄榄叶可治疗高血压?
- She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. 傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。
- They are flying flag of dove and olive leaf instead of war. 他们提出要和平,而不是要战争。
- The cream contains date palm extract, olive leaf extract and Aloe Vera extract. 这乳霜含有枣椰子萃取液、橄榄叶萃取液及芦荟萃取液。
- The Book of Genesis Example: They are flying flags of dove and olive leaf instead of war. 他们提出要和平,不要战争。
- She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak . 傍晚时分,她(鸽子)回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。
- The dove came back to him at evening, and, behold, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off. 傍晚时,那只鸽子飞回他那里,看,嘴里衔着一根绿的橄榄树枝;
- The extract of olive leaf was purified by macroporous resin. The content of total polyphenols of purified extract was over 80%. 高温或阳光能降低黄酮和多酚的含量,采用大孔树脂精制油橄榄叶提取物,可获得多酚含量在80%25以上的油橄榄叶提取物。
- Ginkgo biloba extract, Olive leaf extract, Schisandra fruit extract, Saw palmetto extract, Kava extract, Ivy leaf extract and plant extract. 银杏叶提取物,橄榄叶提取物,北五味子提取物,锯叶棕提取物,卡瓦提取物,常春藤提取物等植物提取物。
- He waited another seven days and sent out the dove again. It returned in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. 他又等了七天,然后再一次把鸽子放了出去,晚上,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下来的橄榄叶。
- Ingredients: deep sea fish oil, collagen, hamamelis, olive leave extract. 成分:深海鱼胶油、胶原蛋白、金缕梅、橄榄叶翠取液。
- Gen 8:11 And the dove came in to him in the evening;and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. 创8:11到了晚上,鸽子回到他那里,嘴里叼着一个新拧下来的橄榄叶子,挪亚就知道地上的水退了。
- When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. 到了晚上,鸽子回到他那里,嘴里叼着一个新拧下来的橄榄叶子,挪亚就知道地上的水退了。
- Ingredients: olive leaves extract, cereus essence, provitamin B5, protease, moisturizing factor etc. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、仙人掌精华素、维他命原B5、蛋白酶、保湿剂等。
- Ingredients: olive leaves extract, snow lotus essence, misaiya purete, lavender, gingko essence, deep sea vegetal essence. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、雪莲精华、红参精华、薰衣草、银杏精华、深海植物精华。
- Medals were not awarded at the ancient games instead the winner was awarded a wreath of olive leaves. 奖牌不被改为在远古的游戏颁发胜利者被颁发黄绿色的树叶一个花圈。
- Ingredients: olive leaves extract, levorotatory VC, wild yam extract, aloe essence, mulberry essence. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。
- After the festival, winning athletes wore Olympic wreath of wild olive leaves and went back to their hometown. 盛会结束以后,获胜的运动员戴上由野生橄榄叶编成的花环。