- He surfs on net several hours every day . 他每天上网好几个小时。
- First they chatted on Net, days and nights. 先只是聊天,没日没夜地聊。
- I've no idea about this. Search on net pls. 免责声明:本帖仅为发帖网友个人观点,不代表本网站立场。
- Agricultural Bank of China ATM card displays "Wrong password transfinite number", log on Net Bank Show "The business has been frozen [0503]" 您的位置:我也知道>商业/理财>银行业务>农行卡ATM显示“密码错误次数超限”,登录网银显示“该业务已被冻结[0503]”
- As regards our commission, we think you will agree that5% on net sales is quite reasonable. 关于我方的佣金,拟为销售净值的5%, 想贵公司会同意这是合理的。
- Make the pupils listen to a chant and a song on net. 学生自主听唱资源里的歌曲,并尝试理解该歌曲。
- Take time to come on net, it can bring us many friends. 花点时间上网,它能带给你许多朋友。
- Press 1 pump of shampoo on net and lather. Wash hair. 按1泵的洗发水,用网制造泡沫。用泡沫洗净头发。
- Just couldnt have surfed on net from yesterday noon for indescribable reason. 从昨天中午开始由于莫名的网络原因不能上网了。
- From the number of QQ, E-mail, MSN to the account of ADSL and net bank, almost all information has become the aim of spywares. 从E-mail、QQ、MSN号码,到ADSL账号、网上银行账号,几乎都成为间谍软件的目标。
- The phrase normal return on net identifiable assets also requires explanation. 可确认净资产的一般回报也需要解释一下。
- I stumble on this life advices in my folder that I found on net before. 在我的文件夹里,我无意中发现了这些人生小忠告,那是我以前在网上找到的.
- Da Jia Wang cooperates with Bank of China, provides a third party certification service to crack down the crime of swindling on net. 大家旺和中国银行强强联手,为您提供第三方认证担保服务,坚决打击网络诈骗。
- Today, based on net work tecnology, electronic commerce is an important and very promising means of trade. 今天,基于网络技术的电子商务已经成为重要且前景光明的贸易方式。
- For the user market of the bank on patulous net, not little bank is opposite home to go up through the net bank explain the privilege that buys the poundage of fund to execute different level. 为了扩展网上银行的用户市场,国内不少银行都对通过网上银行申购基金的手续费实行不同程度的优惠。
- Second, cash payments can be adjusted for change in accounts payable based on net purchases. 然后,可以以购货净额为基础调整应付账款的变化计算出购货的现金支付额。
- It means the present value of future earnings in excess of the normal return on net identifiable assets. 它意味着可确认净资产能带来的超过一般回报的未来收益部分的现值。
- I have ordersome air jordans on different site, when will u get ur air jordans on net? 我预定乔丹在不同的网站时,将得到我们的空气净化器?
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- I cann't hear the VOA NEWS stii now.but i should study hard english and insit on listening VOA or BBC on net . i w... 我第一次认识王陆是五年前在气象局门口。从此我们一拍即合。对学生而言,她是一位真诚热情而且经验丰富的老师;对我而言,她是那种少...