- It wont be easy to get free parking space in Fisherman Warf but Twin Peaks.I recommend u to find the street parking coz the Garage parking is really expensive there. 谢谢.;请问停车费率通常是多少?如果我超过停车时间没有投钱;要到哪里补缴停车费?(我是观光客;想租车玩湾区)
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- It's easier for small car to find a parking space. 小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。
- I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me. 我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。
- He took my parking space just to spite me. 他为了使我恼怒而抢我的停车位。
- I'm sure he took my parking space just out of spite. 我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。
- I am sure he took my parking space just out of spite. 我很肯定他是为了泄愤才抢我的停车位。
- Woman on Street: Take the underpass. It's safer. 大街上的女人:走地下通道吧,安全些。
- His car preempted the parking space. 他的车抢先占用停车位。
- It provides 450 parking spaces and is assessible from Ping Wui Street. 提供450个停车位,可由屏会街前往。
- I met her on street yesterday.She greeted me warmly. 我昨天在街上遇到她.;她热情地向我打招呼
- I beat him to the parking space. 我赶在他前头占了那停车位置。
- He's at that awkward age; always hanging around on street corners. 他正处于将成年的时期,老是在街头巷尾闲荡。
- He manoeuvred his car out of the parking space. 他灵巧地把汽车从停车的地方开了出来。
- I hate to see young people hanging around on street corners. 我真不喜欢看到年轻人在马路上闲逛.
- We have to look for a parking space. 我们必须找一个停车空地。
- The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners. 大萧条使许多人沦落到街头乞讨
- Can you squeeze into that parking space? 你能挤进那个停车位吗?
- He's at that awkward age always hanging around on street corners. 他正处于将成年未成年的时期,老是在街头巷尾闲荡。
- We were hiding in between the parking spaces. 我们躲在泊车位之间。