- Small children: 1\2 tablet, once daily. 小儿:每次1;2片,1日1次。
- Methods: Mice were given EEA or WEA once daily lasting 10 d. 方法:成年小鼠灌服EEA或WEA,每天一次连续10 d。
- HTN 50 mg once daily, may be increased up to 100-200 mg once daily. htn 50毫克,每日一次,可能会大幅增加,高达100-200毫克,每天一次。
- Brush at least once daily or as directed by a dentist or physician. 每天至少刷牙一次,或依照牙医或医生指示的次数刷牙。
- As a dietary supplement for children, two chewable tablets once daily. 用法:作用日常膳食补充片,一天两粒。
- Wash and wipe general facilities of the gymnasium with a 1:99 diluted household bleach solution at least once daily. 健身中心的所有设施应以1:99稀释家用漂白水清洗及拭抹,最少每天一次。
- Insulin is given once daily, often at bedtime, but it can be given at anytime of day. 胰岛素经常在睡前应用一次,但也可以在任何时间使用。
- The patients were administered with oral pectinase 1 g once daily and Omeprazole 20 mg bid. 患者口服果胶酶1 g,1次/d,并口服奥美拉唑20 mg,2次/d。
- HTN Initial &maintenance dose: 50 mg once daily, may increase to 100 mg once daily. htn初次与维护剂量: 50毫克,每日一次,可能会增加至100毫克,每天一次。
- Essential HTN 4 mg daily administered as 1 tab, may be increased to 8 mg administered as 2 tab once daily. 必需htn 4毫克日常管理作为一选项卡,可能会大幅增加至8毫克经管2统计表每天一次。
- In mild and short standing infections, treatment consists of antibiotic drops given into the nasal chambers once daily. 轻微的和短期感染,每天向龟龟鼻子里滴抗生素。
- Hirudoid cream and placebo were applied once daily to a specific part of the scar and covered with a bandage. 喜疗妥软膏一天一次涂抹于疤痕部位并用绷带覆盖。
- The Empress took one spoonful of the lotion once daily, used one wine-cup of it to wash her face, and one teacup of it in her bath. 她每天要内服此方一茶勺,每次洗面都要加一酒盅,每次沐浴都要加一茶杯。
- A low dose of hydrochlorothiazide &/or the dose of Cozaar should be increased to 100 mg once daily based on blood pressure response. 低剂量氢氯噻嗪和/或剂量科素亚应增加至100毫克,每天一次根据血压反应。
- Initial results showed once daily treatment for 48 weeks with ADV plus 3TC or TDF plus FTC greatly reduced viral levels from those pretreatment. 初步结果显示,为期的48周的每天一次服用阿德福韦酯加拉米夫定或替诺福韦酯加恩曲他滨能大大地降低预处理时的病毒水平。
- Dont Overtrain Heavy weight rises at the crack of dawn each day older role models that condition with a once daily tablet. 在审判时,如官员判的板子数量少,人们就认为这乃是温和的惩罚或宽宏的恩赐,犯人就要向官员磕头,感激这种恩典。
- As a dietary supplement for children, one chewable tablet once daily with a meal or as recommended by your health care practitioner. 作为儿童的日常补充,一天一片随餐或是按照健康专家的推荐。
- Directions:As a dietary supplement for children, one chewable tablet once daily with a meal or as recommended by your health care practitioner. 服用方法:作为膳食补充,儿童每天咀嚼1片,建议随餐服用。
- It's been estimated that a whopping 60% of all employees with desktop Internet access go online at least once daily for non-business activities. 据估计,多达60%25的雇员通过他们的台式电脑,每天至少一次不是因公事需要而上网。
- To Use: Once daily every evening, gently smooth over cleansed face and neck, in an upward and outward motion avoiding eyelids. 每晚取适量以向外打圈的方式涂抹于清洁后的面部及颈部皮肤上。避开眼部使用。