- once grown original seed 一次繁殖的原种
- Western Uncensored original seed. 感谢原创者的无私奉献.
- Establishing base for original seed propagation of the Red pearl No.1. 建立珍珠红一号优质高产无公害化生产基地和配套栽培技术规程。
- Once grown, the two discover their dark past, while Xiong discovers the second part of his fate: If acting together, Wind and Cloud will break him. 他们长大后,发现了自己不幸的过去,此时,雄霸也获悉了自己下半世的命运:成也风云,败也风云。
- Genetically uniform seed-tubers, obtained by increasing a single original seed stock at various locations, were used. 血亲制服种子块茎,越来越得到种子原来单一股票在不同地点存放。
- Within your recent time frame, my friends, the original seed that had been split has re-melded. 在你最近的时间之内,我的朋友,那原来被分割了的种子重新弥合了。
- The original seed vigour index had the remarkable influence in space flight effect. 起始种子活力指标对太空飞行效应有明显的影响。
- Now,let us go back to the starting point,and become informed as to how the original seed of an idea,plan,or purpose may be planted in the mind. 现在,我们再回到起点一次。如今我们已经得知观念、计划或目标的种子可以植人心中。
- These few trees are the only remnants of a great forest that once grew here. 这几棵树是这里以前的大森林的残余。
- Now, let us go back to the starting point, and become informed as to how the original seed of an idea, plan, or purpose may be planted in the mind. 现在,我们再回到起点一次。如今我们已经得知观念、计划或目标的种子可以植人心中。
- Anakin's strong Force abilities and connection to the original seed partners meant that he could communicate with the vessel telepathically. 安纳金强大的原理技能和对原先种子拍档的联系使它可以和这艘船进行心灵上的沟通。
- Body endosperm acid content once grow in quantity, human body can appear the phenomenon such as dropsy of coma of exhaustion, hands or feet, skin, more serious person affect cerebral function even. 体内乳酸含量一旦增多,人体就会出现疲惫、手脚麻木、皮肤浮肿等现象,更严重者甚至影响脑功能。
- The humans in their original seeding knew not destructive thought-form. 人类在其最初播种之时并不知道破坏性的思想形态。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。
- Original seed F_1 dog propagated with selfing of Belgian Malinois introduced from Belgium were fed,and the body length,body height,chest girth,chest depth,back height and head length,and the weight change were measured. 对从比利时引进的马里努阿犬原种本交繁殖的F1代犬进行饲养试验,测量其不同生长发育阶段体长、体高、胸围、胸深、荐高、头长等体尺及体重变化情况。
- Strawberry Hill lies on the bluffs overlooking the Kansas and Missouri rivers, and legend has it that the name comes from the wild strawberries that once grew there. 草莓山丘座落于峭壁上,可俯瞰堪萨斯州及密苏里河,据传它的名字来自于,曾生长于此的野草莓。
- Anthony Atala of Wake Forest University, who once grew a simple bladder in a beaker and transplanted it into a dog, teamed up more recently with Robert P. 美国威克富瑞斯特大学的艾塔拉,曾在烧杯中培育出一种简单的膀胱,然后移植到狗的体内。
- For human history is 200,000 years old upon Earth, and began with the original seeding of human form by the Sirian Race. 人类在地球上的历史有200,000年之古老,最初开始于天狼星种族来地球播种了人类形态。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。