- once only medical items 一次性医疗用品
- The doctor tossed off a list of medical items. 医生说出了药品的清单。
- The coupon can be used once only. 此优惠券只限使用一次。
- Each H.K.I.D. number can register once ONLY. 每个身分证号码只能登记一次;
- Only medical supply trucks were granted safe passage through enemy territory. 只有运药物的卡车允许安全通过敌方领土
- It is not enough to read great book once only,however carefully. 无论多么仔细,读巨著仅读一遍是不够的。
- It is not enough to read great book once only, however carefully. 无论多么仔细,读巨著仅读一遍是不够的。
- Reduced the number of medical items in town. C-130 airdrops are now more widely spaced out. 减少了城镇中的医疗道具数量。扩大了C-130运输机的空投范围。
- What she once only heard of distantly on the radio is now on her doorstep. 她曾经只是听说过远在电台节目,现在她的家门口。
- Flags are now seen every day, but they were once only used in battles. 如今我们每天都可以看到旗子,不过它们一度只用于战争中。
- Main applications of LSR molds are diving equipments, baby nipples, medical items, sporting goods, and products that will directly contact human body. 又译作灵境、幻真)是近年来出现的高新技术,也称灵境技术或人工环境。
- User only have to ( update ) the data once only and keep the inconsistency. 用者只需要(更新)数据一次便可并可保持统一性。
- We export all kind of medical items and also medical equipment for hospitals ,clinics, outpatient facilities and doctor offices. 我们出口各种医疗用品和医疗设备的医院,诊所,门诊设施和医生办公室。
- As Coronis lay on her funeral pyre, Hermes played the obstetrician (virtually his only medical act) and delivered the infant Aesculapius from her womb. 当克洛尼斯被安置在火葬木堆上时,赫尔墨斯担任产科医生(事实上这是他唯一一次从事医生职业),从她的子宫里取出婴儿伊斯蔻雷皮亚斯。
- Only medical certificate of 3 consecutive days will be accepted as a valid reason for absence from examination. 如果你有连续3天的医生证明书,才被接受作为考试缺席的正当理由。
- If cases given therapeutically in stead of prophylactic, not only medical resources are wasted, resistant strain of the bacteria may be induced. 若预防性之给药变成治疗性的给药,则不但浪费医疗资源,还有可能导致抗药菌株之产生。
- Though once only commonplace in legal situations,fingerprinting is being used more in commerce. 尽管以前指纹识别主要是用在司法领域,但现在它越来越多地用在商业中。
- The government imposed a windfall tax(= a tax on profits to be paid once only, not every year)on some industries. 政府对某些行业征收暴利税。
- And that isn't the only medical challenge the family has faced.Berhanu, 6, lost an eye to retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer, and got a prosthetic eye in 2007. 这也不是这个家庭面临的唯一的医疗挑战;6岁的伯哈奴;因为视网膜神经角质瘤;一种眼癌;而失去了一只眼睛;2007年装了一只义眼.
- Plan: Failing to plan is planning to fail. What is your? Life plan? Life comes only once, you can live today once only. 计划:不去做计划就是计划去不做。您有什么生命计划?生命只活一次,您只有一个今天。今天,您有什么计划?