- once visited place reform 旧城改造
- He likes to visit place of interest. 他喜欢参观名胜古迹。
- Some people believe she once visited alloy bracelet . 有人说她曾去过瑞典。
- A shaykh once visited a Sufi center, known as a khaniqah. 一次,有个谢赫去拜访一个著名的苏菲道堂。
- I once visited a crematorium that gave discounts for burn victims. 我曾经去过一个打折的火葬场。
- Kim Daejung once visited China as a leader of the opposition party of the ROK. 金大中总统在大选前作为韩国反对党领袖曾经访问过中国。
- Qian: Kim Daejung once visited China as a leader of the opposition party of the ROK. 答:金大中总统在大选前作为韩国反对党领袖曾经访问过中国。
- During the spasm of alarm over Norway, he had once visited the Florence consulate. 在挪威引起的那场惊慌时,他曾经找过佛罗伦萨领事馆。
- Queen Elizabeth to the Shah of Iran: "Yes, Nixon once visited me, he took a spoon. 注:讽刺美国总统尼克松道德上不过关。
- William Faulkner was once visited by an old friend who hadn't seen him in 30 years. 一个30年没见面的老朋友去拜访威廉福克纳。
- During the spasm of alarm over Norway , he had once visited the Florence consulate. 在挪威引起的那场惊慌时,他曾经找过佛罗伦萨领事馆。
- Dilnot declares he doesn't eat foie gras, anyway, having once visited a farm in France and seen how it was made. 迪尔洛特声明,自从他去过一家法国农场并看到了鹅肝的制作过程后,他就再也不吃鹅肝了。
- When he was in Hangzhou,he visited places where he had played as a child. 当他在杭州时,他参观了他儿童时玩耍过的地方。
- I hope to visit places of interest and historical site. 我希望看点名胜古迹。
- When he was in Hangzhou, he visited places where he had played as a child. 当他在杭州时,他参观了他儿童时玩耍过的地方。
- A traveler once visited a city where everyone wore blue. Puzzled, he went to a dyer and said, "Please dye this handkerchief red. 一位旅行者参观了一座城市,那儿的人都穿蓝色衣服。他对此感到迷惑不解,就到一个染工那儿,说:“请把这个手帕染成红的。
- A frequently visited place. 经常去的地方
- I once visited a National Service Station where I was shown all the latest innovation in forecasting technology. I was impressed by what I saw. 我曾经参观过一家国家气象服务站,有人带我参观了所有最先进的气象预报设施。我对此留下了深刻印象。
- Prussian nobleman, a revolutionary of sorts in his own country, once visited the United States seeking a commission in the Union Army. 一个普鲁士贵胄在故乡算是位革命家,曾经往访美国,希望加入联邦军队做个军官,获美国总统林肯接见。
- Visit places Americans enjoy: parties, Westem restaurants, parks, sports clubs. 去美国人喜欢去的地方:如聚会、教堂、西餐厅、公园、体育俱乐部等场所。