- CpG island demethylation facilitates gene transcription, resulting in oncogene activation, chromosome instability, mutation hotspot, and retrotransposon replacement. CpG岛高甲基化抑制基因转录表达,导致众多抑癌基因转录沉默(transcription silencing),蛋白表达缺郑州大学2 003年硕士研究生毕业论文胃疮中环氧合酶一2基因5’端cpG岛去甲基化与蛋白表达的关系及临床意义(中文摘要)失。
- Somatic alterations within the oncogenome underlie the genesis and progression of most human tumors, by causing oncogene activation or tumor suppressor gene inactivation. 摘要大部分人类肿瘤是由基因组中的体细胞性改变所导致的癌基因激活或抑癌基因失活所引发的。
- The development of tumor results from complex action among multiple factors such as oncogene activation,anti-oncogene inactivation,disturbance of apoptosis related gene and so on. 肿瘤的发生是原癌基因激活、抑癌基因失活以及凋亡相关基因失调等诸多因素综合作用的结果。
- Occurrence of liver carcinoma is a synergistic action by multiple factors which include virus infection, carcinogen, oncogene activation, anti-oncogene inactivation, liver cell apoptosis, failure of proliferation regulation and so on. 肝癌的发生是一个多因素协同作用的过程,这个过程中包括病毒感染、致癌物的作用、癌基因的激活和抑癌基因的失活、肝细胞的凋亡和增殖调节失控等多因素多环节。
- Malignant transformation is a complex multistep process involving numerous genetic changes, which include loss of tumor suppressor gene function, oncogene activation and alteration of modifier genes. 恶性转化是复杂的、渐变的过程,涉及许多遗传改变,包括抑癌基因失活、癌基因激活和其他调节基因功能改变。
- Bladder cancer occurs in coordination with oncogene active and antioncogene defective. 膀胱肿瘤的发生与癌基因的激活、抑癌基因的失活的协同作用有关。
- Advances of RET oncogene activation in papillary thyroid carcinoma 原癌基因RET与甲状腺乳头状癌关系的研究进展
- Now, the theory of oncogenes activity and tumor suppressor genes (TSG) inhibition can lead to cancer have been accepted. 目前,人们已经普遍接受了癌基因的激活和抑癌基因的失活可导致癌症发生的理论。
- Oncogene: Gene that can cause cancer. 致癌基因: 能够导致恶性肿瘤的基因。
- Oncogene: Gene that can cause cancer. 致癌基因:能够导致恶性肿瘤的基因。
- Oncogene Mdm2 takes part in hepatocarcinogenesis. 罗育林,程瑞雪(导师),等.
- oncogene activation 癌基因激活
- A normal gene that has the potential to become an oncogene. 原致肿瘤基因一种有可能成为肿瘤基因的正常基因
- In PL / 1, the activation of a procedure. 在pl/1语言中,一个过程的激活。
- Activation state of the event provider. 事件提供程序的激活状态。
- A normal genethat has the potential to become an oncogene. 原致肿瘤基因一种有可能成为肿瘤基因的正常基因。
- Are activation and registration the same thing? 激活和注册是一样的吗?
- No activation is needed to use this function. 使用此功能无需预先设置。
- Expression of P53 oncogene was detected by in situ hybridization . P53基因异常表达采用原位杂交方法。
- Didn't receive an activation email? 没有收到激活邮件?