- One metre is 100 centimetres,or thirty nine inches. 一米等于100厘米或39英寸。
- The sea level could rise by one metre this century. 本世纪海平面可能上涨1米。
- She jumped over one metre sixty-five. 她跳过了1.;65米,
- The cables are buried one metre below ground level. 电缆埋在地平面下一米深的地方。
- Please stay one metre away from the counter. 请离柜台一米远。
- He stands one metre and seventy. 他身高1.;7 米。
- One hundred centimetres make one metre. 100厘米就是1米。
- Keep off the counter one metre away,please. 请离柜台一米远。
- one metre square 一米见方
- A boxing ring is usually five to six metres square. 拳击台一般为5至6米的正方形。
- This time, he bumped into a car parked only one metre away. 这次,他马上撞到了停在1米外的另外一辆小车。
- A car stoped suddenly less than one metre away from him. 汽车在离他不到一米远的地方突然停住。
- A car suddenly stopped over before him one metre away. 汽车在离他不到一米远的地方突然停住。
- A carpet six metres square has an area of 36 square metres. 六米见方的地毯面积是36平方米.
- The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre. 穿天鹅绒的老兵发现温度计的直径为一米。
- The box is one metre wide and two metres deep. 这箱子有一米宽,二米长。
- It is difficult because he was one metre away from me (when it happened). 很艰难,因为(事发时)他就在我旁边一米处。
- The in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre. 穿天鹅绒的老兵发现温度计的直径为。
- It was sealed by a wall and contained chalky soil to the depth of one metre. 它被一堵墙密封着,仿如白垩时期的泥土深达一公尺。
- To create a one metre wide path you need to excavate a one metre wide trench. 要建一条一米宽的小路,你需要开凿一条一米宽的深沟。