- Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both layers?type on Linear Blum. 把这两个图样放到女孩的背上,如下,进行一次线性模糊。
- There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window. 窗口往西,层层叠叠的云团之间露出一片片蓝天。
- Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both layers? Type on Linear Blum. 把这两个图样放到女孩的背上,如下,进行一次线性模糊。
- Those whirling circles one above the other are worse than the jangling of all the bells. 这些一个比一个高的旋转的圆圈,真有比齐鸣的钟声还要坏。
- These are stacked one above the other, like an outsize razor blade, and are individually adjustable through three different planes to cut the air at whatever angle is required. 一片叠在另一片之上,就像剃须刀刀刃一样,而且各自可以调节角度来适应不同气流。
- The simulation results indicate that the wake of the pickup truck is formed of two regions, one above the truck bed, and the other behind the tailgate. 模拟结果表明,皮卡车尾涡存在于货箱上方和尾挡板后方两个区域。
- The next morning, he was going over the hill again, with five cardboard boxes piled up one above the other in his cart, thinking, Because we acquiesce. 第二天上午,他又经过了那个灯塔山,这次车上装了五个纸板盒子,一个叠着一个堆在车上。
- The New Building contained four dormitories, one above the other, and a top story which was called the Bel-Air (FineAir). 新大楼有四间上下相叠的寝室和一间叫做气爽楼的顶楼。
- Two wind maxima with jet-stream characteristics often occur, one above the other, in the lower troposphere by the south side of therainstorm area over South China in summer. 华南暴雨区南侧对流层中下层常常同时存在两个大风层且各具急流的特征。
- I can see another one above the window. 我能看见另一个在窗子的上方。
- Alongside them were clippers of all sizes, steamers of all nationalities, and the steamboats, with several decks rising one above the other, which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries. 在这些浮码头边上,停泊着各种吨位的快帆船,不同国籍的轮船以及那些专门在萨克拉门托河和它的支流航行的有几层甲板的汽艇。
- A novel heat exchanger used for cooling high viscous fluids,which has two spiral plate heat exchangers placed one above the other to have the thermosiphon effect that could hold the proper wall temperature,is introduced. 介绍了一种由2台螺旋板式换热器叠置在一起的新型换热器,该型换热器可形成热虹吸效应来控制壁温,防止在壁面上形成粘滞的绝热层,从而实现高粘性流体的冷却。
- The final model: Corridors are suspended, floating one above the other, and some are truncated. Light permeates the entire design. The endless tubes are given an outlet and new life. 最终模型:走廊是悬浮的,一个浮在另一个上面,而有的则被截断了。光线穿透了整个设计。给了无穷无尽的管道一个出口和崭新的生命。
- old fashioned; two wings one above the other. 旧式的;两个机翼的一个在另外一个的上面。
- Pallet: (1) A wooden platform on which books or sheets of paper are loaded. It is decked at both top and bottom. With a fork-lift truck, the loaded pallet can be lifted and moved or even stacked one above the other to save storage space. (1)托板(2)烙铁:(1)装载纸张或书本的木制平台。它的面和底都铺上木板。用叉车可以把整板物料升起搬运,亦可以把它堆起来,节省贮存空间。参阅堆纸板,台板。
- Having an education, especially one above the average. 受过教育的受过教育的,尤指受过超过普通水平教育的
- She was a stroke above the other girls. 她比别的女孩子高明些。
- I thought I was a cut above the other kids. 我以为自己高人一等。
- That building rises above the other skyscrapers. 那座大楼高于其他的摩天楼。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。