- Incident energy can be introduced by one dimensional incident field array (IFA). 采用一维入射场序列方法可将入射能量引入总场区,但在应用中会产生能量泄漏。
- It uses a three dimensional array to swap (Shell Style) and sort. 它使用3维的数组来交换(外壳风格)和排序。
- But the FSL is far from one dimensional. 适合17”或以上轮胎安装。
- This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional arrays. 这个子程序可以对一维或者二维数组进行排序。
- Gets or sets a two dimensional array of bytes that can be used as a filter. 获取或设置可用作筛选器的二维字节数组。
- A flat file can be represented by a two dimensional array of data items. 平面式文件可由数据项的二维数组表示。
- one dimensional array 一维数组
- Sort a Two-Dimensional Array on Any Elem - This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional arrays. 这个子程序可以对一维或者二维数组进行排序。
- Gets or sets a two dimensional array of bytes that represents the signature of the codec. 获取或设置表示编码解码器签名的二维字节数组。
- This particular method reduces our search area to a simple two dimensional array. 这个特殊方法把搜索区域简化成了一个二维数组。
- An array that holds the sales total for each day of the month has one dimension (the day of the month). 保存月内每日总销量的数组有一个维(当月日期)。
- Srivastava, A High Dimensional Array Assigment Method For Parallel Computing Systems. 京兆(今陕西西安)人。
- Length is one dimension, and breadth is another. 长是一种度量, 宽又是另一种度量。
- A vector, which always has only one dimension, is not the same as a multidimensional array that happens to have only one dimension. 向量始终只有一个维度,它与恰好只有一个维度的多维数组不同。
- Parameter has more than one dimension. 参数具有一个以上的维度。
- If the array has more than one dimension, you must include commas between the parentheses to indicate the number of dimensions. 如果数组有多个维,则必须在括号之间包含逗号,以表示维数。
- Shows four ways to store an array of more than one dimension in a variable, and how to set its length and element values. 演示四种方式来在变量中存储多维数组以及如何设置数组的长度和元素值。
- Arrays can have more than one dimension. 数组可以具有多个维度。
- Discusses arrays that have more than one dimension. 讨论具有多个维度的数组。
- Length is one dimension, and width is another. 长是一种度量,宽又是一种度量。