- We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another. 我们用了一下午的时间逛了一家又一家商店。
- These are taken at the Customer Service Kiosk, I think one shop in the mall rented this place for exhibition. 这些照片是我在那儿的顾客服务中心拍的。我看应是商场中其中一家店租下来展览。
- We spend the afternoon traipse from one shop to another. 我们用了一下午的时间逛商店,疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家。
- There was only one shop here that remained open during the war. 战争期间这里仅有一家商店继续营业。
- One shop, called Morika, has made tofu since the 1860s. 在京都,有很多专营烫豆腐的店铺。
- When one shop prolonged its openning time, the others will follow with it. 焦急万分,吓得要命,非常紧张,非常吃惊。
- The Centre, equipped with computer network, aims at providing an immediate one-stop shop service as far as possible. 中心职员可透过电脑网络查阅资料,即时为市民服务。
- In one shop, the lady behind the counter shouted aloud when she saw my hair. 在一家商店里,柜台后面的妇女看到我的头发大声地叫起来。
- There is only one shopping centre in this city. 这个城市只有一个商业中心。
- Proper Pitch LLC - Propeller sales and reconditioning. Computer aided reconditioning. All drive train components from engine coupler aft. Machine shop service. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- One shop began to extend business hours, the others in the same street also imitated it. 一家店铺开始延长营业时间,同一条街上的其他商店也都照方抓药(仿效)。
- One shop bagan to extend its business time,and others in the same street followed. 一家店铺开始延长营业时间,同一条街上的其他商店也都照方抓药(仿效)。
- We especially love that one shop that sells curios as a cover, whose boss will recommend movies based on your taste. 尤其是那个以古玩店做掩护的老板娘,经常还会根据你的口味,向你推荐一些另类新碟呢。
- When one shop begin to postpone the open time,the others in the same street imitate it . 一家店铺开始延长营业时间,同一条街上的其他商店也都照方抓药(仿效)。
- In one shop, five girls, one of them an ethnic Tibetan, were set on fire and killed. 在一家商店里,五名女孩子被放火烧死,其中一人就是藏族同胞。
- Desperate shoppers are even resorting to buying mice, hamsters or gerbils in lieu of a real, domestic rat, according to one shop in the capital. 首都莫斯科的一家商店透露:甚至有些顾客开始购买小老鼠、仓鼠、沙鼠以代替当地的家鼠。
- One shop destroyed. Three heads split like overripe melons. One man wounded and one castrated. All in two hours. Just two hours I left you alone. Two hours. 一个店铺被毁。三个脑袋像熟透了瓜果一样被打烂了。一个人受伤了还有一个人被阉割。所有的一切都发生在两个小时之内。就是我离开你的那两个小时。两个小时。
- Bambino: One shop destroyed. Three heads split like overripe melons. One man wounded and one castrated. All in two hours. Just two hours I left you alone. Two hours. 一个店铺被毁。三个脑袋像熟透了瓜果一样被打烂了。一个人受伤了还有一个人被阉割。所有的一切都发生在两个小时之内。就是我离开你的那两个小时。两个小时。
- Last year the end of the year, citizen small the first month is right after some shopping website shops service selling the home is malcontent, gave the other side a difference judge. 去年年底,市民小孟在某购物网站购物后对卖家服务不满,给了对方一个差评。
- Take gift with oneself never, can give arbitrarily, he find one shop assistant in go out once, come back to complain sun is poisonous, a face is tanned. 却从来不把赠品带在身上,更不会乱给,有一次他发现一个营业员在外出,回来抱怨说日头毒,把脸晒黑了。