- “At any Chinese online discussion forum, absolute power might corrupt. But more often than not, it is absolute brain drain that corrupts the intelligence of certain moderators.” 我是这么理解的:“人多嘈杂的地方,有权就可以淫得一手好湿。但是,腐败最厉害的还是一个失去了理智的管理者的大脑。”这样理解对吗?请大家帮忙。谢谢啊
- online discussion forum 在线论坛
- I like the discussion forum title: Chinglish. 我喜欢论坛标题
- Join a discussion forum about the project. 加入这个计划的讨论区。
- Content from online discussion groups, forums, etc. 来自联机讨论组、论坛等的内容。
- Image graphic design software discussion forum. 图像平面设计软件讨论区。
- The primary purpose of Web browsers is to display Web pages, but browsers also have added features, such as e-mail and newsgroups (an online discussion group or forum). 网络浏览器的主要目的是显示网页,但浏览器还有更多的功能,例如电子邮件和新闻讨论组(在线讨论组或论坛)。
- Forum code to put in your signature in a discussion forum. 是论坛中当你的签名使的。
- Ashort time before, hold a discussion forum named Answer Crises. 大多数学者对这种现象是持谴责态度的。
- Welcome to the UGC's Hong Kong Higher Education Discussion Forum. 欢迎到访大学教育资助委员会的高等教育论坛。
- He never shares his opinions in the online discussion; he just lurks. 他只阅读网上讨论,不发表看法。
- This interface is very much like most other online discussion interfaces. 这个界面是非常像大多数其他在线讨论界面。
- Join the project discussion forum or an independent discussion forum about Fermat numbers. 加入项目论坛或关于费马数的独立论坛。
- MGH Neurology - Neurology Web-Forum - start an interactive, online discussion about various Neurology-related topics. 启动交互式的在线讨论,讨论关于神经学方面的话题。
- Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin boards. 不久,中国一些在线讨论区、博客和电子公告板开始号召实施报复。
- This can be useful in a discussion forum where users want to see which topics and responses are new and unread. 这在讨论论坛中很有用,在那里,用户希望了解有哪些话题和回复是新的和未读的。
- Forum: A discussion forum for distributed computing ideas and issues, specific projects, teams, etc. 论坛:一个供分布式计算爱好者们讨论有关分布式计算的创意、特殊项目、团队等等内容的交流社区。
- WebPlay students use Think. Com's online discussion, debate and publishing tools to create and collaborate on theatre projects. WebPlay学生使用Think.;com的在线讨论、辩论和发布工具来就戏剧项目进行创作和协作。
- It furnishes a stable vision and offers a discussion forum on the cause of Tibet. 它提供了一个稳定的视野,并提供一个论坛以讨论西藏的事业。
- This SVG version is based on an image posted to Beijing University Chinese Culture and Language Discussion Forum. 请参阅共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、上传日志。