- Open a door for an escape route. 将门打开以便随时可以逃出。
- Opening a door for a woman is not a rare gallantry. 为女士开门是种常见的献殷勤的方式。
- By understanding our childlike feelings we automatically open a door for loving feelings to permeate what we say. 了解自己孩子般的感觉,使我们自动打开爱的门允许自己畅所欲言。
- I have not been given an opportunity as as a head coach so maybe a groundswell of support from my fans could open a door for me! 我还没有过当主教练的机会,所以如果有我球迷的支持,这个机会的大门将向我打开!
- He opened a door and stood aside for Mary to pass. 他打开门,站在一边让玛丽走过去。
- He opened a door and stood aside for her to pass. 他打开一扇门,站在一边让她过去。
- Carol: The usual things like opening a door for each day in December on the Advent calendar just to get the chocolate! 卡罗尔:一些平常的事,像是为基督降临期日历上十二月份的每一天开门,只为得到一块巧克力!
- Open a Door for Transgenic Fish to Market 转基因鱼离市场还有多远
- Open a door for me, what would it hurt 无论遇到什么挫折,请为我打开你的心门
- When a man opens a door for a woman, he is making a symbolic statement that his superior physical strength will be used to assist and protect, not harm. 当男人为女人开门的时候,就好像在说,他的体力是用来提供帮助和保护的,而不是产生危害的。
- This new view opens a door for us to reevaluate the function of artistic activity in the process of generating knowledge and artistic aesthetic education in the whole educational activity. 从这一知识观出发,探究审美艺术活动何以达成真理性知识,从而为艺术活动在整个知识生产中的地位和艺术审美教育在整个教育活动中的地位的重新认识提供理论基础。
- Ber tern opened a door marked NO ADMITTANCE. 波恩司坦打开了门,门上写着“闲人莫入”。
- God closed a leafed door for you to open a leaf of window inevitably for you. 这句我喜欢,而且我相信只要能挖掘,就会发现打开的窗其实可以是更大的门;路是越走越宽的。
- When God closes a door, he always opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时他会为你留一扇窗。
- Death opens a door of the unknown. 死亡打开未知的事物的门。
- When God closes a door,he always opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时他会为你留一扇窗。
- When god closes a door ,he opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时,他打开了一扇窗。
- When God closes a door, he opens a window elsewhere. 如果上帝关上了一扇门,他就会在另一地方打开一扇窗。
- When the Lord closes a door,somewhere else he opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。
- Be a good chap and open the door for me,will you? 好兄弟,给我开开门行吗?