- The open door revealed an untidy kitchen. 透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。
- Can you slip past the open door without the teacher seeing you? 你可不可以从开着的门边溜过而不被老师看见?
- A stream of cold air rushed through the open door. 一股冷空气从敞开着的门口窜了进来。
- Can you get past the open door without being seen? 你能不能穿过那扇开着的门而不被人看见呢?
- I think your new job will really open doors for you. 我认为你的新工作会给你机会。
- My next-door neighbour Sir Roger is very hospitable; he keeps open doors. 我的邻居罗杰爵士非常好客,凡有登门造访者,一概热情招待。
- Her mother came out of an open door. 她妈妈从一扇开着的门里走出来。
- Which is a wedge of lightfrom an open door. 里面透出一条狭窄的光束。
- Does open source mean an open door? 开放源码意味着一扇打开的门吗?
- My heart is an open door, would you please come in? 我的心门是开的,你愿意进来吗?
- At the open door he stopped, horrified. 在开着的门前,他站住脚,吓得毛骨悚然。
- Interpreted the open door as an invitation. 将敞开的大门认作为邀请。
- A rifleman was racing out of the open door. 一名步兵正从打开的门中冲出来。
- It was my teacher who opened doors for me. 是我的老师给了我机会。
- To open door in Emergency, Push Button. 紧急时要开门,按此钮。
- How does creativity open doors to our mind and the physical world? 创造力如何为我们打开思想和现实世界的大门?
- Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. 良好的教养能打开最佳学历打不开的门。
- Collect keys to open doors and gobble up new goodies. 收集钥匙打开车门,并吞并了新的商品。
- Deaf college opens doors to hearing . 聋人学校向听力敞开大门。
- Some can be good at opening doors and latches. 部分拉拉擅长开门开锁。