- The closed state matters only at return time. 关闭状态只有在返回时才有影响。
- You may call the Close method to put the XmlWriter in the Closed state. 可以调用Close方法将XmlWriter置于Closed状态。
- It should be in full close state when long stored .Add lubrication to the transmission part and the deveice should be dampproof and dustproof. 阀门长期存放时应使设备处于关闭状态,各传动部位加润滑油。传动装置作防潮、防尘处理。
- Notice whether examination ball bearing is quick at the same time, of the door open close deft, frame combines the stainless steel screw that whether uses. 同时注重检查滚珠轴承是否灵活,门的启合是否方便轻便,框架组合是否用的不锈钢螺丝。
- But the author is free to substitute both the open and the closed state of the door with any building from the Sporepedia. 但作者可以随意替换门开着的时候和关着的时候的状态。
- The named pipe is not in the connected or closing state. 命名管道不处于连接或关闭状态。
- It should be in full close state when long stored.Add lubrication to the transmission part and the device should be dampproof and dustproof. 长期存放时应使三、四通溜子处于关闭状态,各传动部位加润滑油,传动装置作防潮、防尘处理。
- It should be in full close state when long stored. Add lubrication to the transmission part and the device should be dampproof and dustproof. 盲板阀长期存放时应使设备处于关闭状态,传动部位加润滑油。传动装置作防潮、防尘处理。
- Occurs when a communication object transitions into the closed state. 当通信对象转换到已关闭状态时发生。
- Indicates that the communication object is transitioning to the Closed state. 指示通信对象正转换到Closed状态。
- And the hardware with good quality the every time that can allow cupboard door is opened close issue rule of canorous rhythm He Yun. 而品质优良的五金件能让柜门的每一次启合发出音乐般的节奏和韵律。
- Open a window it's very close in here. 打开窗户吧--这里很闷气。
- Causes a communication object to transition immediately from its current state into the closing state. 使通信对象立即从其当前状态转换到正在关闭状态。
- The Closed state is equivalent to being disposed and the configuration of the object can still be inspected. Closed状态相当于正在释放对象,且仍可以检查对象的配置。
- They cited as one step the passage by Congress in 1988 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which contained some reciprocity provisions and other measures designed to open closed foreign markets to U.S. exports. 他们举出1998年国会通过“综合贸易与竞争力法”作为一个例子,该项法案包含某些互惠条款和其他措施,以便开放对美国产品一向关闭的外国市
- For example, MSF for Agile Software Development bugs cannot move from the Active state directly to the Closed state. 例如,MSF for Agile Software Development Bug无法直接从“活动的”状态切换为“已关闭”状态。
- Design of Shift Control System of Gate Open %26 Close Machine 闸门启闭机位移控制系统的设计
- A cursor was assigned to this OUTPUT variable by the previously called procedure, but it was in a closed state upon completion of the procedure. 先前调用的过程为OUTPUT变量分配了游标,然而在过程结束时,游标处于关闭状态。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- The whole process of all powdery materials, including loading, batching, measuring, charging, mixing and discharge, is conducted in a closed state. 所有的粉状物料,从上料、配料、计量、加料到搅拌出料都在封闭状态下进行。