- Stronger all hydraulic mould closing system. 极其坚固的直压式合模系统。
- "Sayable" is a relatively closed system of expressions, and "unsayable" is a relatively open one. 可说"是相对封闭性的系统,"不可说"是相对开放性的系统。"
- Notice whether examination ball bearing is quick at the same time, of the door open close deft, frame combines the stainless steel screw that whether uses. 同时注重检查滚珠轴承是否灵活,门的启合是否方便轻便,框架组合是否用的不锈钢螺丝。
- Closed system pressure buildup precautions installed. 关闭已安装的系统压力累计预防装置。
- But the general trust could not be simply explained by the audience rating, it should be an integrated and close system of prestige guarantee. 公信力不能简单地用视听率来解释 ,它应该是一个完整而严密的信誉保证体系。
- If any references to the deleted endpoint appear on closed system diagrams, those references are removed when you open those diagrams. 如果对已删除终结点的任何引用都显示在关闭的系统关系图中,则打开这些关系图时,将会移除这些引用。
- We studied the electronic wave packet in a quantized laser field where the electron and the field was treated as a close system. 第五章是本文的另一部分内容,我们将激光场看成一量子化的场,电子与场组成一封闭系统,在量子电动力学的框架内研究了电子波包在量子化场中的时间演化。
- To develop this supply True North uses a fast flush closed system. 开发利用这个供应北真快冲封闭系统。
- A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system. 随机计量单位在封闭体系中对无序和随机的计量单位
- The purpose of this seminar is to reform the old closed system so as to establish the new system of educational assessment. 研讨会旨在改革旧的封闭式的评价制度,从而建立新的教育评价体系。
- Design of Shift Control System of Gate Open %26 Close Machine 闸门启闭机位移控制系统的设计
- In the foretime, the problem is how to change the habitual psychology and habit of a close system in order to fit the demand of the society's development. 当年面临的问题是如何改变一个封闭体系的惯常心理和行为,以适应现代社会发展之需。
- In the world soilless culture system is changing from open system in order to closed system in order to reduce the pollution of draining nutrient solution in the environment. 为了减少营养液排放对环境造成的污染,世界范围内的无土栽培系统正逐步由开放式向封闭式转变。
- And the hardware with good quality the every time that can allow cupboard door is opened close issue rule of canorous rhythm He Yun. 而品质优良的五金件能让柜门的每一次启合发出音乐般的节奏和韵律。
- The closed system has a certificate authority as part of one entity. 封闭系统的证书权限是一个实体的一部分。
- Open a window it's very close in here. 打开窗户吧--这里很闷气。
- Chen Yun's economy administration theory is his peculiar economy administration philosophy,teleology and methodology,which function respectively and complementarily and formulate the special theoretical intension and close system. 陈云的经济管理思想包括他特有的经济管理哲学观、经济管理目的论和经济管理方法论。 这三个方面各有所用又相辅相成,构成了陈云经济管理思想的特殊理论内涵和严密体系。
- Rain forests, tundras, and everglades are not themselves natural closed systems;they are open to each other. 雨林、冻土带、沼泽本身并不是自然的封闭系统:它们相互之间是开放的。
- Closed systems are a particularly intense variety of coevolution. 在封闭系统中,多样性因为共同进化的缘故会变得特别的强烈。
- They cited as one step the passage by Congress in 1988 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which contained some reciprocity provisions and other measures designed to open closed foreign markets to U.S. exports. 他们举出1998年国会通过“综合贸易与竞争力法”作为一个例子,该项法案包含某些互惠条款和其他措施,以便开放对美国产品一向关闭的外国市