- A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options. 语法选择是在有限的范围內进行的。
- As an ideography of abundant semantic contents, the Chinese character is a closed set with limited number while the Chinese word is an open system which is unlimited. 摘要汉字是表义文字,具有丰富的语义内容,汉字是一个有限的封闭集,它的数目是有限的,而汉语的词是一个开放系统,它是无限的。
- There were close set ribosome and cavum in the cytoplasm. 细胞质内有密布的核糖体及空腔等,空腔是由脂肪颗粒形成,多呈圆形。
- Notice whether examination ball bearing is quick at the same time, of the door open close deft, frame combines the stainless steel screw that whether uses. 同时注重检查滚珠轴承是否灵活,门的启合是否方便轻便,框架组合是否用的不锈钢螺丝。
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn,those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出来的人忠诚。
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn, those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出来的人忠诚。
- They cited as one step the passage by Congress in 1988 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which contained some reciprocity provisions and other measures designed to open closed foreign markets to U.S. exports. 他们举出1998年国会通过“综合贸易与竞争力法”作为一个例子,该项法案包含某些互惠条款和其他措施,以便开放对美国产品一向关闭的外国市
- Legs - Well-boned, muscular, and straight when viewed from rear with well-bent stifles, not close set but in line with forequarters. 后腿的骨骼和肌肉都很发达。从后面观查,腿直。膝关节适当弯曲,两腿不紧贴,但与前肢成一线。
- Closer settings of lap selvedge guides. 棉卷边缘导向器隔距太小。
- This is a closed set. 这个片场(拍片现场)不对外.
- In this paper the JORDAN-HOLDER Theorem of transposition hyperlattice is introduced on the base of the closed set and regular of hyperlattice,and some related properties of them are also studied. 在超格的闭集合和超格的正则性的基础上,给出了对换超格上的约当定理,并研究了一些相关的性质。
- Once the appropriate sample size has been determined, the Degas inspector should select sample garments by randomly opening closed cartons. 从一决定性的数量目标来决定检查员要开箱抽查货物。
- Open a window it's very close in here. 打开窗户吧--这里很闷气。
- And the hardware with good quality the every time that can allow cupboard door is opened close issue rule of canorous rhythm He Yun. 而品质优良的五金件能让柜门的每一次启合发出音乐般的节奏和韵律。
- Eyes: pepole with deep set eyes are withdrawn, those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful.Large-eyed people are passionate, while small-eyed ones are secretive reserved. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛,眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒,眼睛鼓出的人忠诚,眼睛大的人热情,眼睛小的人深藏不露,不够坦率。
- The shoulders are strong, sloping, muscular and well angulated to the upper arm and should not be too closely set at the point of the withers. 肩部结实、倾斜、肌肉发达,与前臂呈恰当的角度,马肩隆末端不能太接近。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Indications: Coma in high fever, delirium with muscular twitchings and convulsions, difficulties in expectoration, coated tongue, close set teeth, faint, burning eyes and lips, measles unmanifested. 适应:高热昏迷、神昏谵语、痰浊壅塞、牙关紧闭,不省人事;目赤唇焦,痉厥抽搐、癫痫 惊风、隐疹不露等症,临床经验为乙型脑炎有效药品。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。