- open price agreement 统一报价协定
- Did you ever experience that the shopkeeper is grouchy due to your handpicking action and failure to come to a price agreement? 精挑细选,结果没买成,遭到店主冷眼,这样的经历您有过吗?
- For the past four decades, the first price agreement between a miner and a steelmaker has created a benchmark the rest of the industry follows. 过去40年来,每年矿业公司与钢铁企业之间达成的第一份价格协议,都成为了业内其他企业遵循的价格基准。
- Over the past 40 years, mining companies and steel companies reached between the first price agreement, have become the industry's other enterprises to follow the benchmark price. 过去40年来,每年矿业公司与钢铁企业之间达成的第一份价格协议,都成为了业内其他企业遵循的价格基准。
- Prior to this, Rio Tinto took the lead with Japan's Nippon Steel to achieve 33 percent annual price agreement, but China refused to follow, so far has been a stalemate. 此前,力拓率先与日本新日铁达成年度降价33%25的协议,但中国拒绝跟随,僵持一直至今。
- "This open price war prelusive, also will force an apple to be made as soon as possible improve, with contending with Yamaxun. “这将开启价格战的序幕,也将迫使苹果尽快做出改进,以与亚马逊相抗衡。
- The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan. 这只股票今天的开盘价是六元整。
- In reality, complete price agreement often doesn't exist, or it may be upset by some suppliers deciding to cut their prices for various reasons. 事实上,完全协议价格通常不存在,或者由于一些供应商因各种原因而削价出售,结果使其遭到破坏。
- It's stance marks a break with the tradition of the past 40 years, whereby the first price agreement between a miner and a steelmaker forms the benchmark for the rest of the industry. 过去40年的惯例是,矿业公司与钢企达成的首个价格协议,都将成为业内其余钢企遵循的价格基准。中钢协的强硬立场标志着这一惯例的结束。
- Because the price agreement with the clinet says we can only adjust prices in July every year, please consider if we can put off the price adjustment to Martch next year. 因为我们跟客户每年都有一个价格协议,我们每年只能在7月调整价格,所以请考虑:可不可以强捏每年的价格的调整延至明年3月?
- During the day on Wednesday, a barrel of crude oil was trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) at just a few cents above its opening price. 在星期二那天,纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)的每桶原油价格只比开盘价抬高了几个美分。
- Your market order will be processed on the NEXT trading day and usually execute at or close to the opening price. 现价盘指示将在第二个交易日处理,并通常以开巿价或接近开巿价的价格执行。
- In Europe also welcomes the black Monday, Australia, New Zealand the opening price is still today in falls. 欧洲也迎来黑色星期一,澳大利亚、新西兰今天开盘依然处于下跌之中。
- Problem of Open Price of Coal Generation 放开电煤政府指导价问题
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Market order at opening - a market order entered before an opening, to be executed at the instrument's opening price only. 在开盘前进入市场,以交易物开盘价执行的委托单。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- When opening price: 40 rise, tectonic plate entire green, decline ranges and so on electric appliance, coal, real estate precede. 开盘时:40余股上涨,板块全绿,电器、煤炭、地产等跌幅居前。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?