- Employment contracts are divided into fixed - term employment contracts , open-ended employment contracts and employment contracts to expire upon completion of a certain job. 劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同、无固定期限劳动合同和以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。
- Agreement by the management is a sine qua non of all employment contract. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。
- Just because my employment contract expired. 因为我的合同到期了。
- The state organs shall conduct administration on civil servants they employ according to the present Law and the employment contract. 第九十九条机关依据本法和聘任合同对所聘公务员进行管理。
- My employment contract runs out at the end of this month. 我的雇佣合同本月底期满。
- Can I enter both addresses in the employment contract? 我可否在标准合约内填写两个地址?
- No probation period may be specified for an employment contract for the duration of a certain task or an employment contract with a term of less than three months. 以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同或者劳动合同期限不满三个月的,不得约定试用期。
- Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract. 无法完成工作被视为违反劳动合同。
- Hence, it is of great theoretical sod practical importance to differentiate employment contract and labor contract. 因此,正确的区分这两种合同无论在理论上还是在实践上都有着重要的意义。
- We have open terms with all our Vendors. We pay ROG, receipt of Goods. 不明白客人的这句话是什么意思.;那个ROG是付款方式吗?
- Is severance pay required where employment contracts end? 终止是否应当支付经济补偿金?
- Agreement by the management is a t color=# cc0066> sine qua non of all employment contract. 管理部门的同意就是所有雇用合同的必要条件。
- In this case, the address specified in the employment contract is not my residential address, is this OK? 这样的话,雇佣合约上订明的地址不是我的地址,可以吗?
- On termination of employment contract, the employer should pay outstanding wages to the domestic helper. 在终止雇佣合约时,雇主应支付任何未发放的工资给家务助理。
- The Employer and the Employee shall each hold one copy of the amended employment contract. 变更后的劳动合同文本由用人单位和劳动者各执一份。
- The levy payable is HK 400 per month multiplied by the number of months covered by the employment contract. 计算应缴徵款额的方法,是每月港币400元乘以雇佣合约期的月数。
- Denmark beauty the most beautiful, the most enthusiastic, living in Copenhagen, not only the large number of beauty, but also in very open terms, personality unparalleled charm. 丹麦美女最漂亮、最热情,生活在哥本哈根的美女不仅数量众多,而且在性方面非常开放,个性魅力无与伦比。
- I'm leaving the present situation just Because of expiry of my employment contract. 我离开现职是因为工作合同期满了。
- Copy of employment contract and MPF contribution record of the new authorized signatory. 新获授权签署证书人士的雇佣合约及强积金供款纪录副本。
- The CARETAKER may terminate an employment contract without prior notice under any of the following circumstances. 甲方于契约期间内,如有下列情形之一者,乙方得立即要求终止契约。