- operand overlap 操作数重叠
- There is no question of overlap between the two courses. 这两门课程之间不存在重叠的问题。
- There is a small overlap between the two circles. 在这两个圆周有一小部分重叠。
- Bring the first operand to the date register. 将第一个操作数输入数据寄存器。
- An operator or operand in a computer instruction. 计算机指令中的操作符或操作数。
- The two storage rings overlap closely. 两个储存环节紧密重合。
- The roofing slates were laid to overlap each other. 石板屋瓦是相叠着放置的。
- Sometimes physics and chemistry overlap. 有时很难区分出究竟是物理学还是化学。
- Missing operand before comma, ), or operator. 在逗号、右括号或运算符前缺少运算数字。
- The ends of cloth overlap the bed. 床罩布的各端都从床边垂下。
- The operand type of an MSIL instruction. MSIL指令的操作数类型。
- Structure for the left operand of the equation. 公式左操作数的源。
- The return type is the same as the operand type. 返回类型与操作数类型相同。
- Negates the value of the specified Decimal operand. 对指定Decimal操作数的值求反。
- Our concern and theirs substantially overlap. 我们的利害关系和他们的大致相合。
- Left operand of DUP should not be negative. 伪指令DUP左边的参数值表示的是存储单元重复的数目,它不能是负数。
- Anticipation, Arcs and Overlap Oh My! 预备动作,弧线和交迭,哦!我的天啊!
- To lie partly on or over something; overlap. 折叠,部分重叠部分地位于某物之上;重叠
- Operators that take a single operand. 只有一个操作数的操作符。
- It's one modus operandi(operand). 这是一种方法上的统计数字而已。