- It designs the university logistics mechanism operating evaluation index system according to the principle of comprehensiveness and importance, quantity and quality , standard and feasibility. 根据全面性和重要性相结合的原则、定量和定性相结合的原则、规范性和可行性相结合的原则,设计了高校后勤保障运行的稳定性评价指标体系。
- Good training program in hand soldering and periodic operator evaluation is conducted. 对手焊锡工人有良好的培训计画;并定期对工人作技术考核及评估.
- The fourth part is the operation evaluation of DY performance mgt. system and the conclusion. 第四部分是DY公司绩效管理体系运行评估,总结存在的问题。
- Believed to be assigned to the RAF's Coningsby-based 17 Sqn Operational Evaluation Unit, the aircraft “sustained damage on landing,” the RAF says. 据信这架飞机隶属于皇家空军科宁斯比基地的第17中队运行评估单位。皇家空军称:这架飞机“降落时被持续的损坏。”
- The finding of active arterial bleeding, an expanding hematoma, arterial bruit, or airway compromise usually requires surgical operative evaluation. 颈动脉活动性出血、不断增大的颈部血肿、动脉血管杂音、气道创伤等情况下往往需要有经验的专科医师来进行手术评估。
- This paper discussed the general, plan, documantation and operation evaluation problems in integrated management system, and also explained by examples. 主要讨论一体化管理体系的概述、策划、文件编制和运行评价问题,并例举实际事例进行了说明。
- The Growler is now in production and undergoing operational evaluation by the Navy, which plans to stand up the first two fleet Growler squadrons later this year. “咆哮者”目前正在生产中,海军正在对其进行作战评估,计划在今年晚些时候装备首批两个“咆哮者”中队。
- The temple will serve for an operating room. 那座庙将用来作为手术室。
- Based on the necessity, principle, method and significance of new evaluation system, this thesis is to discuss related problems in "external pelvimetry" operation evaluation standard of the Nursing major in Guilin Nurses School. 本文从制定新考评标准的必要性;制定新的考评标准的原则;如何制定考评标准及制定考评标准的意义四个方面探讨了我校制定护理专业新的“骨盆外测量”实验操作考评标准的有关问题。
- I am skilled in operating a computer. 我能够熟练操作计算机。
- He sat up on the operating table. 他在手术台上坐了起来。
- The company is operating outside the law. 公司未按法律规定运营。
- The patient was sent to the operating room. 这个病人被送进了手术室。
- A trademark for a microcomputer operating system. 微机系统管理一种微机操作系统的商标
- This leaflet contains your operating instructions. 这份单页材料印有你应知道的操作说明。
- Comparison operators evaluate to a Boolean data type and return TRUE or FALSE, based on the outcome of the tested condition. 比较运算符计算结果为布尔数据类型,并根据测试条件的输出结果返回TRUE或FALSE。
- Police speed traps are operating on this motorway. 这条高速公路上有超速监测器。
- Comparison operators evaluate to a Boolean data type; they return TRUE or FALSE based on the outcome of the tested condition. 比较运算符计算结果为布尔数据类型,这些运算符可根据测试条件的结果返回TRUE或FALSE。
- The patient died on the operating table. 病人死在手术台上了。
- The machine is not operating properly. 机器运转得不正常。