- I owned the better comprehension and operational capacity for the deploitation of global market. 精通国际国内贸易事务,有国际采购\\国际销售以及国内采购经验;
- The industry let the growth in new instruments outstrip the operational capacity to manage them. 他们依赖评级机构进行基本的风险分析工作,而不是自己进行分析。
- The first operational Growler squadron is expected to reach initial operational capacity by September 2009, Navy officials said. 第一个实用的咆哮者中队有望于在2009年9月实现其基本作战性能。
- The military war resistance and the contest is examines the national defense army actual operational capacity the only standard. 军事战争的对抗与较量才是检验国家国防军队实际作战能力的唯一标准。
- Schools across the country have a selection of quality, the operational capacity of strong teachers and foreign teachers are employed. 学校拥有一支在全国范围内选聘的素质好、业务能力强的师资队伍,并聘有外籍教师。
- When the term of the take-over expires and the insurance company has resumed its normal operational capacity, then the financial supervision and regulation department may determine to terminate the take-over. 第一百一十六条接管期限届满,被接管的保险公司已恢复正常经营能力的,金融监督管理部门可以决定接管终止。
- Counter effectiveness is an important index to evaluate operational capacity of warship air defense, so a chief accurate and reliable evaluating method is required in actual applications. 抗击效能是评估舰艇防空作战能力的重要指标,在实际应用中需要一种简便而准确、可靠的评定方法。
- The company will also offer virtualization in order to save power and push systems to maximum operating capacity. 该公司也将提供虚拟化,以节省电源和推进系统,以最高的经营能力。
- Each Bundle of coppers stacked on a square wooden pallet are stripped by the micro forklift with operation capacity 5 tons. 每捆电解铜都使用方型木托盘铺垫。使用微型叉车进行拆箱作业,(叉车作业能力为5吨)。
- Commnets of Harvard mentor: With the assistance of the financial capital, the business operation capacity will achieve multiplication. 哈佛导师评论:企业如果获得金融资本的帮助,自身经营能力将得到倍增。
- Data can be temporarily stored and filed for quick access with the operating system acting as the determinant, allowing for smoother operating capacity. 数据可暂时存放,并申请进入快速充当操作系统与行列式、允许顺畅运作能力。
- Discussion on the Training of Operational Capacity 操作能力培训方法的探讨
- The squadron is not yet operational. 飞行中队尚未能马上行动。
- He is acting in a fiduciary capacity. 他以受托人身份行为。
- Hanjin Shipping, P&O Nedlloyd, China Shipping Container Lines, CMA CGM and Hamburg-Sud are on the other side of the scale, chartering in between 60% to 70% of their operated capacity. 韩国的韩进海运株式会社、P&ONedlloyd公司、中海集装箱公司、CMACGM以及Hamburg-Sud公司等就处于天平的另一端,因为他们租赁来的吨位占其总管理量的60%25到70%25。
- The lift has a capacity of 15 persons. 这部电梯的载容量为15 人。
- Established in 1997 in Shanghai, CSCL has emerged as a major global player in eight years.It is currently ranked as the sixth container shipping company in terms of operating capacity . 中海集运在1997年于上海成立,短短八年,以运载能力计,已位列全球第六,中国第一,是中国最主要的航运商之一,亦于中国港口的集装箱航运业占据主导地位。
- Genius is the capacity of evade hard work. 天才是避免苦干的能力。
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 这台发动机的立体容积是多少?
- She has an enormous capacity for hard work. 她有苦干的巨大能力。