- operational reserve forces 战役预备队
- operational reserve force 战役预备队
- We need to improve the national defense mobilization system and consolidate the militia and reserve forces. 完善国防动员体制,加强民兵、预备役部队建设。
- To do that meant that in the U.S. you would have to use the reserve forces differently than we had used them before. 那样做意味着美国必须以过去不同的方式运用预备役部队。
- Landing Forces Operational Reserve Material 登陆部队作战储备器材
- Enemy fire is too intense; all reserve forces get ready to start off immediately. 敌人的火力太猛,所有预备队准备立即出发!
- Minority students are reserve forces of Xinjiang medicine occupation.This article summarizes teaching methods of Pharmaceutics classes and experiments for minority students. 少数民族学生是新疆医药事业的后备力量,本文就少数民族学生药剂学课堂教学和实践教学模式进行了总结。
- After the competition ended, the Henan team training set held the conference immediately, made has fined to lucky Orson 80,000 simultaneously releases reserve forces' punishment. 比赛结束后,河南队教练组马上召开会议,做出了对吉奥森罚款8万同时下放预备队的处罚。
- The Trustees maintain an operating reserve fund to assure TRF's stability in times of economic downturn, unexpected emergency, or necessary expense. 保管委员会保留了一笔营运准备基金,以确保基金会能在经济不景气、突发紧急状况或因应必要的支出时,能保持稳定。
- The reserve forces in this scheme would be used to provide force presence,peacekeeping operations,many of the things that the acting force is now charged with. 在这种构成中,预备役部队将被用来提供兵力存在、维和行动、以及目前由现役部队担负的许多任务。
- Investments of the operational reserve; 业务储备金的投资;
- The reserve forces in this scheme would be used to provide force presence, peacekeeping operations, many of the things that the acting force is now charged with. 在这种构成中,预备役部队将被用来提供兵力存在、维和行动、以及目前由现役部队担负的许多任务。
- The reserve force and militia are maintained at an appropriate scale, with an optimized structure and an enhanced level of training. 预备役部队和民兵保持适度规模,优化结构,提高训练水平。
- NASDAQ)CEO Zhu Jun still is in with Shanghai explain the reserve force of beautiful football team a kickball. NASDAQ)CEO朱骏还在与上海申花足球队的预备队一起踢球。
- But if you really have a much better understanding of what is occurring on the battlefield,then perhaps you don't need a reserve force. 然而,如果确实能对战场情况了如指掌,那么也许你就不需要一支预备队。
- The reserve force and militia are maintained at an appropriate scale,with an optimized structure and an enhanced level of training. 预备役部队和民兵保持适度规模,优化结构,提高训练水平。
- Ever since its establishment the Communist Youth League has shown that it is the Party's reliable reserve force as well as its capable assistant. 共产主义青年团的整个历史表明,它是党的可靠的后备军和有力的助手。
- The PLA's reserve force is a force with its preset organizational structure, with the reserve personnel as the base and active personnel as the backbone. 中国人民解放军预备役部队是以预备役人员为基础、现役人员为骨干,按规定的体制编制组成的部队。
- The squadron is not yet operational. 飞行中队尚未能马上行动。
- When a reporter asked whether Huayuan Group to set up two new real estate companies reserve force, Renzhiqiang noncommittal. 当记者问到这两家是否是华远集团成立新的房地产公司的后备军时,任志强不置可否。