- In judicial practices, Hand rule build a objective and operational standard to judge the trespasser whether has to undertake the compensstion responsibilities. 在司法实践中,汉德公式为确定行为人是否应承担损害赔偿责任提供了一种客观和可操作的标准。
- The on-site operation standard is an important content of "OCTG Engineering". 现场作业标准是“油井管工程”的重要内容。
- What are the operating standard? Are they formalised and how are they enforced? 操作标准是什么?是否正规化?如何被执行?
- Thus, sanitary landfills, which accept such waste as household hazardous waste, must have a permit and meet federal design and operational standards. 因而,无害的掩埋式垃圾场接受像家庭有害废料这样的废料,必须有一份许可证和符合联邦设计并操作的标准。
- The testing step should sccord to the enterprise operation standard for the EDM cutting wire. 所有检查项目必须合乎电极丝企业执行标准。
- Supervise to compile the quality system document, inclusive of process and Operation standard. 监督编制相关的质量体系文件包括程序和作业指导书;
- Understand not only operation standard but also HMC company philosophies of business and safety. 理解操作规范及公司经营和安全理念。
- Ensure that all Rooms Division staff are trained in the FHR Program Operational Standards, JD Power initiatives and standards required for the Richie Survey. 培训和补充预订、皇家服务、前厅和费尔蒙金尊职员有关酒店或公司总部引进的所有新系统的知识。
- To assist the Front Office Manager in the hotel auditing for the Richey Survey, the JD Power experience, and section heads with the operational standards auditing of their areas. 帮助酒店前厅经理,进行Richey调查和JDPower经验审核,帮助各主管利用运营标准审核各个区域。
- Objective:To investigate the rational therapeutic measurement and operative standard of bilateral frontal lobe laceration. 目的:探讨双额叶脑挫裂伤合理的治疗方法及手术指征。
- Strictly operate according to GOP operation standard of company's requirement, assuring prompt and accurate pick-up and delivery, be familiar with the area and customers. 根据公司要求严格按作业标准操作,准确、时取件及派送快件,熟悉本区域路线位置及客户,并以良好的态度,优质服务赢得客户信任,同客户保持良好关系。
- The squadron is not yet operational. 飞行中队尚未能马上行动。
- Wherever access for personnel continues to be required during the demolition process, it must be safeguarded to normal operational standards against fall, trip and falling debris hazards. 当拆除过程中继续需要人员进出通道时,则必须按照正常操作标准保证通道安全,防止人员跌落和绊倒以及物体坠落的危险。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- Willing to accept our training on operations standards and business knowledge against its business, guidance, and storefront renovation. 愿意接受本公司对其经营、指导、店面装修的规范和业务知识的培训。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 这样的罐头认为是不合格的。