- operations are back on track 运作回到正常的轨道
- I expect I will be back on Sunday. 我预计我会在周日回来的。
- The Denver Nuggets are feeling good and seem to be back on track after Tuesday's victory over the Portland Trail Blazers. 掘金现在感觉不错,自从周2战胜开拓者后,这支球队好像又回到了正常轨道上来了。
- Missing items, a lost travel itinerary or some other miscommunication could throw your plans awry on Monday, but be thorough instead of impulsive and you'll be back on track. 丢失的贵重物品、迷惑的旅游路线或者一些其它的错误传达可能会让你的计划在星期一出现错误,但是一定不要冲动,你会回到正轨的。
- Leo pondered their request for a few minutes and then with the steely nerve that had made him a billionaire, the mogul from Munich said yes and ISL were back on track. 对于他们的要求,里奥沉思了几分钟。这位慕尼黑巨子又一次展现了他赖以成为亿万富翁的钢铁般的神经。他说道,成交。于是ISL又可以重回跑道了。
- Becoming aware of why you can be confident will help you get back on track. 意识到为什么你能去自信将帮助你重新找回自信。
- I expect (that) I shall be back on Sunday. 我期待着能在星期天回来。
- A QUICK break, then back on track. 稍息片刻,然后重回正轨。
- I expect (that) I will be back on Sunday. 我预计星期日回来.
- We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7. 明天早上7点本节目重新开播。
- I told Jill that I would be back on Tuesday. 我告诉吉儿我星期二回来。
- I'll be back on Friday without a doubt. 毫无疑问地;确实地。
- We'd better be back on time, under pain of death. 我们最好按时回去,不然就完蛋了。
- I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce. 离婚之后我力图使生活恢复正常。
- I promise to be back on Monday, bright and early. 我保证周一一大早就回来。
- Getting Our Kids Back on Track: Educating Children for the Future. 为未来而教育孩子。
- Mr. Brown will be back on Tuesday or Wednesday. 布朗先生将在星期二或星期三回来。
- We find ways to get it on track And know how to turn back on. 我们总会找到办法重回正轨,也知道怎样去回到从前。
- The company seems to be back on its feet now. 这家公司似乎重新站住了脚。
- Rex: Yeah. It's given us the chance to get back on track. 雷克斯:对。它可以令我们有机会从头来过,回到正确的轨道。